Teller Report

German athlete: 100 million euros is an immoral number for the player in the time of Corona

4/4/2020, 10:51:40 AM

The sports director of Wolfsburg, Germany's soccer club, Marcel Scheffer, has expressed that the current Corona crisis will have major repercussions on the transfer market in the professional football world. He said, "100 million euros for any footballer in this difficult period and because of the repercussions of the Corona crisis

The sports director of Wolfsburg, Germany's soccer club, Marcel Scheffer, has expressed that the current Corona crisis will have major repercussions on the transfer market in the professional football world. He said, "100 million euros for any footballer in this difficult period, and because of the repercussions of the Corona crisis, will be immoral."

In an interview with the German newspaper "Bild" issued yesterday, Scheffer, 35, said: "I expect the market to change significantly, especially with regard to prices, which recently reached horizons far from reality."

"It is difficult to announce the amounts of transfers in millions of euros whose value consists of three numbers, while small clubs struggle, for example, for their existence, and I consider such amounts unacceptable from an ethical point of view."

Scheffer played for Wolfsburg, won the League Championship, and returned to him as sports director in 2018.