Teller Report

A total of 308 newly diagnosed patients with new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed in Japan

4/4/2020, 10:39:34 PM

According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association TV, 308 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were added to Japan on April 4, and more than 300 people were added on a single day for two consecutive days. A total of 3438 cases were diagnosed and 83 died.

In addition to the 3438 cases diagnosed in Japan, there are a total of 712 cases diagnosed and 11 deaths on the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship.

As of April 3, there are currently 73 severely ill patients receiving treatment in hospitals in Japan. Including passengers and crew on the "Diamond Princess" cruise ship, 1,133 people have been discharged from Japan.

In addition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has newly diagnosed 118 cases on April 4th, adding more than 100 people for the first time in a single day. Among them, 81 people could not confirm the infection route. A total of 891 cases were diagnosed, which is the region with the largest number of diagnoses in Japan. (Liu Junguo)

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