Teller Report

Tokyo Olympics is not easy just to start preparations for the Chinese Army

4/3/2020, 6:18:34 AM

China News Service Client, Beijing, March 31 (Wang Yu) Six days after the announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games' postponement decision, the answer to the first mystery surrounding this historical change finally surfaced. On the evening of the 30th Beijing time, the International Olympic Committee announced that the Tokyo Olympics will be held from July 23 to August 8, 2021.

For the Tokyo Olympics, this decision is far more than just refreshing the Olympic flame at the National Stadium in Japan. From now on, the history of the Tokyo Olympics and even the modern Olympic movement will enter an unprecedented and challenging countdown.

The Tokyo Olympics are set to begin on July 23, 2021. Image source: Official Weibo of the Tokyo Olympics

The interlocking Olympics are just the beginning

Since the Tokyo Olympic Games was postponed to 2021, "unprecedented" has become a high-frequency word in media reports. From the announcement of the postponement to the determination of a new agenda within 6 days, in this unexpected vortex, the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee are expediting the resolution of the secondary crisis brought about by the postponement of the Olympic Games.

Earlier, the International Olympic Committee held a conference call with 32 international individual sports federations to discuss key issues such as postponed Tokyo Olympic qualifications. In the end, all parties reached an agreement that the qualifications for the Olympic Games that have been obtained will remain until 2021. How to adjust the Olympic qualifications that have not yet been generated will be answered by the parties as soon as possible.

As the so-called start to move the whole body, with the completion of the Tokyo Olympic Games, many international individual sports federations including the World Athletics Federation, World Badminton Federation and FINA have all stated their positions, or the extension was originally scheduled for next year. Major events held, such as the Track and Field World Championships and the Swimming World Championships, may further discuss the countermeasures for the selection of Olympic qualifications.

FINA issued a statement as soon as possible.

In response to the new schedule, the International Olympic Committee also stated that this will help minimize the impact of schedule changes in other international sports events and provide sufficient time for the qualification tournament. However, this highly anticipated third step needs to be completed with the power of international sports.

Forms to be determined Olympic qualifications are full of unknowns

The spokesperson of the Chinese Olympic Committee has stated that China has obtained 161 qualifications in 339 Olympic events. Based on the previous Olympic Games and the competitive strength of each project, it is expected that about 210 qualifications will be obtained in the early stage. Basically achieved the goal of "all the qualifications you should get."

At the same time, however, many athletes are still working hard to get on the Olympic field. Among them, those with outstanding strength are bound to obtain the Olympic qualifications, only to wait for the trials or the integration cycle to settle down; there are also accumulated strength to impact the Olympic qualifications, and work hard for the Tokyo stage. It is undeniable that they are all disturbed by many uncertain factors to varying degrees.

Data map: The Tokyo Women's Asian Women's Asian Qualifiers Group B final match, the Chinese Women's 1-1 draw with Australia, ranked second in the Olympic qualifying group. The picture shows the Chinese team Yao Lingwei (red, No. 16) taking the ball during the game. Photo by China News Agency reporter Tao Shelan

Taking the Chinese women's football as an example, the two Olympic playoffs between the team and the Korean women's football were originally scheduled to be held in March. After several changes, it was postponed to June. However, even if the playoff time is still variable, the team's preparations have not slowed down. On April 2nd, the Chinese Women's Football Team will begin training in Suzhou for nearly a month. The prospect of the Chinese men's basketball team losing the World Cup, which is already on the line, will be followed by a question mark.

As the saying goes: "Good things are not afraid of slowness", although for the time being there is still no clear selection time and method, it does add a lot of trouble to the team's preparation of the preparation plan. However, the problem exists objectively. Before the Olympic qualification selection method was updated, the only thing that could be done was to have a firm conviction, to do well and maintain a good state.

Period adjustment "4 + 1" is not easy

As we all know, whether it is the national table tennis, diving team that is dominated by individual competitions, or the Chinese women's volleyball team participating in collective events, "collective training" has become an important training method for the Chinese sports team to polish their skills and tactics. When the epidemic came, well-trained and strong logistical support also made the training hall a "safe haven" for athletes.

Data map: Chinese women's volleyball team locks admission tickets for the Tokyo Olympics. Photo by China News Agency reporter Tang Yanjun

Although there is no need to worry too much about the quality of training being reduced due to the epidemic, when the Tokyo Olympics cycle is extended from 4 years to 5 years, how to prepare for a new situation without scientific experience? Even if the dream team is as strong as diving and Guoping, this is also a difficult problem to be solved.

The crux of all problems seems to be one, and that is "unknown". Liu Guoliang, chairman of the Chinese Table Tennis Association, admitted in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the preparations for the Olympic Games are based on a "four-year" cycle. At present, "4 + 1" is not that simple, there are many variables and unknowns.

The Olympic Games were postponed and the original plan was forced to deviate from the preset track, which is a problem for all athletes. However, challenges are also opportunities. Contingency is an issue that is constant both inside and outside the arena. Preparing for the Olympics is not waiting for the rabbits. Facing challenges and making up for shortcomings is what it means to be an excellent athlete and a brave teacher.

Data Map: Chinese Diving Team Takes In-Team Test Photo by Tomita

How to ensure that the player status is canceled

Although the Tokyo Olympic Games has set a new agenda, the international individual sports federations are also urgently preparing new calendars. But it is foreseeable that for a long time to come, the lack of high-level events is still a cold reality that athletes and teams need to face.

Affected by the epidemic, recent events have been canceled one after another, affecting not only the income of athletes, but also the lack of a real atmosphere of competition. How to maintain the competitive state of players has also caused external concerns. Zhou Jihong, chairman of the Chinese Swimming Association and the Chinese Diving Association, once said, "If athletes do not set a goal for a long period of training, their minds are easily fatigued."

Special methods should be implemented in special times. A month ago, a "special" Chinese diving championship started in Beijing. Without the audience and media, the game was presented in front of national audiences in the form of a live webcast. This was another breakthrough made by the Chinese diving team in the face of the epidemic.

Data Map: Zhou Jihong, Chairman of China Swimming Association and China Diving Association.

More than diving teams, shooting teams hold virtual competitions, and athletes compete with opponents on the big screen; Guoping staged a "gender war" during overseas training sessions; the Chinese Athletics Association encourages provincial and municipal track and field training bases to hold competitions ... the associations are preparing The variety of tricks in the game has also become a guarantee for improving athletes' competitive level.

Precipitate mentality and abandon negative emotions

Recently, US women's volleyball coach Kailari has revealed that many members of the US women's volleyball team are both relieved and saddened to learn that the Tokyo Olympic Games have been postponed. Indeed, in the face of many unknown factors derived from the extension of one year, athletes who are always in a state of tension will inevitably experience emotional fluctuations.

Just as diving Olympic champion Wu Minxia said on personal social media: "As you grow older, you still have to continue in training for another year, and this difficulty is only clear to the athletes themselves." Once you choose to continue, you have to pay again. It's more than just sweat and time.

Especially for the veteran who has entered his twilight career, the injuries and burnout accumulated during a long career are not something that can be overcome by clenching his teeth. From the former Chinese sports leader, Lin Dan, 37 years old, to Ma Long, 32 years old, and Su Bingtian, 31 years old ... Everyone is fighting against time and holding on to their own battles.

With such a change, it is difficult to guarantee that every athlete can deal with it calmly. At this time, paying close attention to psychological fluctuations while paying attention to the competitive state, helping them to abandon negative emotions in a timely manner, is as important as training. (Finish)