Teller Report

Premier League to ask players to forfeit 30% pay

4/3/2020, 3:06:34 PM

The British League believes it will be impossible to resume the championship in May

Keita and Salah were decisive for Liverpool against Monterrey. - KARIM JAAFAR / AFP

The Premier League will not resume in May but hopes to get players a reduction in wages reaching 30% of their annual income to cope with the financial crisis born of the epidemic of Covid-19, she announced in a Friday communicated.

Consultation does not mean agreement. So now it's left for the clubs to come to a deal with their players and the union. Might be easier now that all teams have agreed a framework.

- tariq panja (@tariqpanja) April 3, 2020

"The Premier League clubs have unanimously decided to consult the players on a set of measures combining a reduction and a conditional deferral of wages for a total representing 30% of the annual amount," wrote the authority which organizes the championship of England.

End the season at any cost

The clubs also "admitted that the Premier League will not resume in early May and that the 2019/2020 season can only restart when it is possible in a completely safe and suitable manner," the statement added. "The common objective remains to complete all the national championships and the cup matches that remain to be played, so that we can maintain the integrity of all the competitions," she added. "Any return to the game will only be with the full support of the government and when the medical recommendations allow it," she concludes.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Soccer
  • Sport
  • England
  • Manchester City
  • Arsenal
  • Liverpool

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