Teller Report

Jane Fonda resumes online fitness classes

4/3/2020, 2:51:45 PM

Even confined, the actress intends to continue fighting to make a difference

Actress Jane Fonda at the Fire Drill Fridays in Los Angeles on February 7 - Zuma / Starface

If you were still missing something, during this period of confinement, to get back into sport, then the return of the legendary gym videos of Jane Fonda could end up stimulating you! The actress may be 82 years old, that doesn't prevent her from keeping in shape or being up to date since it's on TikTok that you can follow her lessons. But beware, it is above all for a good cause.

The actress normally spends every Friday demonstrating to change the position of the US government on global warming during the Fire Drill Fridays. Confinement requires, she had to find a new way to be heard. His 80s workout therefore seems to be the perfect compromise.

Global movement

“There is a climate crisis which is a real emergency. Whether you're on your couch or on a yoga mat, join me for the virtual Fire Drill Fridays. The future needs you, I need you, ”says the actress in her introductory video.

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Join me for a Virtual @firedrillfriday !!! . Join our virtual # FireDrillFriday🔥 this Friday at 11am PT / 2pm ET to to keep the pressure on politicians to adopt a #GreenNewDeal, end new fossil fuels, and enact a just transition to a renewable economy that protects workers and communities. Let's tackle the climate crisis while we #StayHome. . Register at the link in our bio. @greenpeaceusa @janefonda

A post shared by Jane Fonda (@janefonda) on Apr 2, 2020 at 9:24 pm PDT

To find Jane Fonda, go every Friday at 11 a.m. Los Angeles time (8 p.m. in France) on her TikTok account.


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