Teller Report

Guide to stay up to date on the war with the Covid-19

4/3/2020, 2:24:39 PM

What is the usual test to diagnose the virus? How is the virus detected? The usual tests are the so-called RT-PCR or polymerase chain reaction test. AND




Updated Friday, April 3, 2020 - 4:16 PM

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What is the usual test to diagnose the virus?

How is the virus detected? The usual tests are the so-called RT-PCR or polymerase chain reaction test. These tests, as explained by José Ramos Vivas, head of the Cell Microbiology laboratory at the Valdecilla Idival Research Institute in Santander, "detect the nucleic acid RNA of the virus in the patient's sample." To carry out this test, special devices are needed and it is necessary

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