Teller Report

The criticism: Bureaucracy causes Sweden to lose out on medical supplies

4/2/2020, 11:45:57 PM

There is a lack of protective equipment in Sweden. not least in health care, which testifies to the fact that employees became ill after being infected by the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, the country may lose medical supplies - due to bureaucracy.

Now comes criticism from several companies that want to deliver equipment, which believes that public procurement rules make sales difficult.

At newly-started Fenix ​​Healthcare, which supplies equipment directly from China, it is said to have had an order for 10,000 protective suits that would have gone to the ambulance care in Greater Stockholm. But despite a lack of protective equipment in ambulances and emergency medical cars, and that several among those who work in the cars became ill after being infected by the Corona virus, the deal did not go away.

The reason was that the ambulance care rules only allowed invoices with 30 days of payment time, while the increased demand meant that Chinese suppliers started to pay in advance.

"A cut of sex about the products"

- The situation in China is such that there are very many people who go down and buy products and prices have gone up. All governments are there and buy safety equipment, so that's a cut of these products - a war zone, says Johan Kadar, CEO of Fenix ​​Healthcare.

According to him, the protective suits, such a week after the deal started, had already been delivered to the ambulance care in Greater Stockholm if it were not for the requirement of 30 days payment time.

- We had them in stock, so we could ship them from China in two to five days.

Multiplied prices

Ambulance services say that they have been contacted by a large number of companies and private individuals who want to sell protective equipment, but that prices have doubled since before the Corona crisis due to the increased demand, and that you cannot agree on advance payments because you do not know about the proposals. comes from serious actors.

However, you should have released the 30-day payment period and can pay as soon as the material is delivered and checked. However, after SVT asked questions about the policy, a new message from the Stockholm region will come - that the rules will also be eased with regard to advance payments.