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“Pleasantly surprised”: Trump spoke about US assistance from Russia in the fight against coronavirus

3/31/2020, 12:15:37 PM

Donald Trump said that Russia sent the United States a "very, very large plane" with medical supplies. According to him, China also sent assistance to the leaders in the world in the number of infected COVID-19 to the United States. On March 30, Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with the head of the White House, in which leaders, among other things, discussed the situation with coronavirus infection and agreed to strengthen general measures to combat the spread of the disease.

US President Donald Trump said that Russia sent a plane with medical equipment to the United States as an aid in combating the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

This was announced by the American leader during a press conference in the White House. In his speech, Trump expressed the opinion that the United States has learned a lot in connection with the situation with coronavirus.

“I have to say that we have excellent relations with many countries ... Russia sent us a very, very large plane filled with medical supplies, it was very nice,” the US president said, without talking about the contents of the cargo.

The head of the White House added that he was “pleasantly surprised” by the help sent to the United States.

Recall that on March 30, at the initiative of the American side, a telephone conversation took place between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump. The Kremlin said the leaders discussed the pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19 and the situation on the world oil market.

It is noted that the leaders of Russia and the United States expressed serious concern about the prevalence of coronavirus in the world, as well as discussed measures to combat infection that are being taken in both countries.

Along with this, the heads of the two states discussed the possibilities of closer cooperation between the two countries to combat COVID-19.

Commenting on Trump’s statement that Russia sent a plane with medical equipment to the United States, spokesman for the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov said: “The topic was really touched upon. The importance of international cooperation was discussed. The discussion of this topic in the applied plan continues by agreement of the presidents at the working level. ”

The situation in the USA

The United States is the leader in the number of reported cases of COVID-19. According to the American Johns Hopkins University, more than 160 thousand infected were found in the United States. The number of deaths from the effects of infection exceeded the mark of 3 thousand.

However, Trump suggested that the quarantine regime in the United States against the background of the spread of infection is unlikely.

“This is highly unlikely,” he said in response to a related question during a press conference in the White House.

According to him, this possibility was discussed, in particular, with respect to individual states, but "this proposal was considered too inconvenient."

In particular, Trump previously wrote on Twitter about the absence of the need to introduce quarantine in the state of New York, which is one of the leaders in terms of the number of infected in the United States. According to the latest data, over 66 thousand people are infected in this part of the country.

Trump noted that the situation with coronavirus is different in different US states.

“For the most part, the recommendations will remain as they are now, perhaps even become a little tougher,” the US leader concluded.

Interaction between Russia and other countries on COVID-19

Earlier, Russia sent assistance to fight against coronavirus to Italy. This country is the second most infected in the world. According to the Johns Hopkins University, there are more than 100 thousand infected, and more than 11 thousand dead already.

March 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in which they discussed the fight against coronavirus infection COVID-19.

On the same day, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu gave instructions on the creation of an air group for the prompt delivery of Italian assistance in the fight against coronavirus infection COVID-19. Over the coming days, at least 15 Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft with military medics and medical equipment were sent to Italy.

The Kremlin emphasized that Russia is providing assistance to Italy without any conditions. “There can be no talk of any conditions, calculations or hopes,” TASS quoted the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov as saying.

March 30, it became known that the Russian military continues disinfection in the regions of Italy.

“A team of doctors and epidemiologists and specialists of the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, together with Italian military specialists, carried out a complete sanitary disinfection treatment in three boarding houses for elderly people in the cities of Kluzon, Cheney and Vertol,” RIA Novosti quotes the message of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Shortly before that, Russian military experts began work in the province of Lombardy.

We add that subsequently Donald Trump also announced his intention to provide assistance to Italy. He said that the United States will send $ 100 million worth of medical products to the European country that the United States itself does not need.