Teller Report

Release of three French, collaborators of SOS Chrétiens d'Orient, kidnapped in Iraq

3/26/2020, 8:15:23 PM

The Élysée Palace announced on Thursday the release of three French nationals and one Iraqi, all employees of the French NGO SOS Chrétiens d'Orient, missing since January in Baghdad.

Two months after their abduction in Baghdad, the three French nationals and an Iraqi, all employees of the French NGO SOS Chrétiens d'Orient, were released, the Elysée Palace announced on Thursday 26 March.

"The President of the Republic welcomes the release of our three compatriots Antoine Brochon, Julien Dittmar, Alexandre Goodarzy, and the Iraqi Tariq Mattoka, all employees of the NGO SOS Chrétiens d'Orient. They had been kidnapped in Baghdad Monday January 20, 2020 ", read a press release. "France has made every effort to reach this outcome. The President of the Republic expresses his gratitude to the Iraqi authorities for their cooperation."

More details to come.

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