Teller Report

Our data, to save us. And then, to get out of the crisis

3/26/2020, 7:24:46 PM

Using our personal data to deal with the coronavirus is dangerous for the future of democracy and individual rights. He holds it in the 'Financial Times' Yuval H

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  • Italy. A nurse in Milan: "The patients arrive almost all in oxygen crisis, also those of 30 years"

Using our personal data to deal with the coronavirus is dangerous for the future of democracy and individual rights. Yuval Harari - the author of the bestsellers' Sapiens' and 'Homodeus'- maintains it in the' Financial Times', which views with concern the temptation to resort to technology to tackle the virus, legitimizing today social surveillance instruments that could become permanent . Harari would prefer that the data be used individually by citizens

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