Teller Report

New Coronavirus Expands patient capacity in NY, USA

3/26/2020, 10:42:23 PM

In the United States, where the number of infected people is soaring, and in New York State, which accounts for more than half of the cases, how to expand the capacity to accommodate patients is an urgent issue ...

New Coronavirus Expands patient capacity in New York State on March 27 7:30

In the United States, where the number of infected people is soaring, and in more than half of the state, New York, how to expand the capacity to accommodate patients is a pressing issue.

Of the five wards in New York City, a base hospital in Queens, the most infected area, has a row of people who want to test for a new coronavirus at a simple laboratory outside the hospital on the 26th. It was done.

The people in the line were more than two meters away from the front and back, and had an equally anxious look.

In addition, a temporary morgue has been set up in Manhattan, New York City, in case more people die.

The temporary morgue was shaped like a large tent, and workers in masks were preparing enclosures to keep the inside out of view.