Teller Report

Moscow police warned of fraudsters using coronavirus situation

3/26/2020, 8:09:28 PM

Metropolitan police warned about fraudsters using the situation with coronavirus.

This was reported by "Gazeta.Ru" with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

According to law enforcement agencies, attackers can use various methods of theft of funds - for example, to report a nonexistent illness in a person or his relatives, a statutory social payment or pension allowance, to withdraw funds from an account or card.

The police called not to give details of their bank accounts and cards, CVV codes and passwords that come in the form of SMS.

It is not recommended to transfer money to accounts and phone numbers reported by scammers. No strangers should be allowed into the house.

In addition, the metropolitan police launched a hashtag # Tell Parents to warn senior citizens about possible remote fraud.

Earlier, the head of the Zecurion analytical center, Vladimir Ulyanov, in an interview with NSN, assessed the possibility of increasing data leaks among employees working remotely against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.