Teller Report

Coronavirus, 500 thousand infected worldwide

3/26/2020, 8:15:28 PM

Half a million infected, 23 thousand dead. It is the relentlessly growing toll of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide. Italy and the United States are now close to overcoming 81 thousand infections in China, where the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus was identified last year, while for days according to Beijing there have been no local infections, but only dozens of 'imported' ones (and for this reason the entrance to all foreigners has been blocked). Already 2.8 billion people, more than a third of the world's population, live under strict rules of travel restrictions, while European and US health systems are under enormous pressure and millions of people have been left without jobs. The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, scolded world leaders for wasting precious time: "The time to act was more than a month or two ago", "we wasted the first window of 'opportunity "," this is the second window, which we should not throw away, we should do everything possible to suppress and control this virus ". In the US, where a $ 2.2 trillion economic package for businesses, hospitals and citizens has been announced, the death toll has risen to more than 1,050 and infected to over 70,000. New York, in lockdown for days, is the hotspot, with a record 385 deaths, 100 more in a day, and 37,500 infections. "It is plausible that half of New Yorkers, perhaps more than half, will take this disease," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. The political clash broke out between Governor Andrew Cuomo and other governors, calling for urgent federal action, and President Trump. He responded by announcing guidelines to ease restrictions on areas considered less "at risk". Democrats accuse him of putting the economy ahead of people's health. In the meantime, the city of Miami has also decreed a night curfew, and Colorado has forced all citizens to stay at home. In Russia, where there are 840 cases, of which 182 in 24 hours, Moscow has tightened further: after the Kremlin announced a week's holiday from Monday, it imposed the closure of all the shops except the essential ones and various parks in the capital . The army will also build 16 infectious disease centers across the country. India, where the population of 1.3 billion has been ordered to stay at home and the cases confirmed by the authorities are only 553, the alarm is for the millions of homeless people, without food and without work. The government has decided on economic stimulus for 22 billion dollars, with monthly deliveries of 5 kilograms of cereals and 1.2 kilograms of lentils for 800 million people, about 60% of the inhabitants of the second most populous country in the world. Some states have also started distributing rice in slums and initiated payments of money into the bank accounts of those who have been out of work. Meanwhile, South Africa is preparing to enter lockdown, with over a thousand cases of contagion: the highest number on the African continent, where there are over 3,000 in all. In Brazil, where there are over 2,600 infections and 60 dead, political controversy rages: the governors of the States contested the request of President Jair Bolsonaro to reopen schools and businesses, after for days he called Covid-19 a " influenzina ".

  • Coronavirus, Miami curfew begins


March 26, 2020 Half a million infected, 23 thousand dead. It is the relentlessly growing toll of the Covid-19 pandemic worldwide. Italy and the United States are now close to overcoming 81 thousand infections in China, where the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus was identified last year, while for days according to Beijing there have been no local infections, but only dozens of 'imported' ones (and for this reason the entrance to all foreigners has been blocked). Already 2.8 billion people, more than a third of the world's population, live under strict rules of travel restrictions, while European and US health systems are under enormous pressure and millions of people have been left without jobs. The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, scolded world leaders for wasting precious time: "The time to act was more than a month or two ago", "we wasted the first window of 'opportunity "," this is the second window, which we should not throw away, we should do everything possible to suppress and control this virus ".

In the US , where a $ 2.2 trillion economic package for businesses, hospitals and citizens has been announced, the death toll has risen to more than 1,050 and infected to over 70,000. New York, in lockdown for days, is the hotspot, with a record 385 deaths, 100 more in a day, and 37,500 infections. "It is plausible that half of New Yorkers, perhaps more than half, will take this disease," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. The political clash broke out between Governor Andrew Cuomo and other governors, calling for urgent federal action, and President Trump. He responded by announcing guidelines to ease restrictions on areas considered less "at risk". Democrats accuse him of putting the economy ahead of people's health. In the meantime, the city of Miami has also decreed a night curfew, and Colorado has forced all citizens to stay at home.

In Russia , where there are 840 cases, of which 182 in 24 hours, Moscow has tightened further: after the Kremlin announced a week's holiday from Monday, it imposed the closure of all the shops except the essential ones and various parks in the capital . The army will also build 16 infectious disease centers across the country.

India , where the population of 1.3 billion has been ordered to stay at home and the cases confirmed by the authorities are only 553, the alarm is for the millions of people homeless, without food and without work. The government has decided on economic stimulus for 22 billion dollars, with monthly deliveries of 5 kilograms of cereals and 1.2 kilograms of lentils for 800 million people, about 60% of the inhabitants of the second most populous country in the world. Some states have also started distributing rice in slums and initiated payments of money into the bank accounts of those who have been out of work.

Meanwhile, South Africa is preparing to enter lockdown, with over a thousand cases of contagion: the highest number on the African continent, where there are over 3,000 in all.

In Brazil , where there are over 2,600 infections and 60 dead, political controversy rages: the governors of the States contested the request of President Jair Bolsonaro to reopen schools and businesses, after for days he called Covid-19 a " influenzina ".