Teller Report

Tokyo Olympics postponed to next year… Potential for 'held in late July'

3/25/2020, 12:39:28 PM

As the Tokyo Olympics is postponed to next year, attention is now focused on when the opening day will be held, but the weight will be put on hold in late July. Reporter Kwon Jong-oh. IOC chairman Thomas Bach agreed with a Japanese Prime Minister Abe last night to postpone the Tokyo Olympics for a year.


As the Tokyo Olympics is postponed to next year, attention is now focused on when the opening day will be held, but the weight will be put on hold in late July.

Reporter Kwon Jong-oh.


IOC Chairman Thomas Bach agreed with Japan Prime Minister Abe's talks to postpone one year's Tokyo Olympics last night (24th).

[Thomas Bach / IOC Chairman: Our goal is to have the Tokyo Olympics within the summer of 2021 at the latest.]

However, it did not reveal the specific opening time.

The current strongest opening date is late July, when exactly one year has been postponed.

Although the schedule overlaps with major international competitions such as the World Swimming Championships and the World Athletics Championships, the obstacles have been eliminated because the group hosting the two competitions has decided to change the duration of the competition.

There are very few large professional sports events in the United States and Europe, so sports fans can focus on the Olympics.

Reuters reported that the holding was influential in May, but the challenges are not without difficulty.

If held in May, the European soccer league and NBA playoffs may overlap and the concentration may be distracted.

The disadvantage is that it is difficult to guarantee the appearance of not only NBA stars but also golf stars playing in the PGA Tour.

It is less likely to be held in June next year.

This is because two big events will be held in Europe 2020, the biggest festival in Europe, and Copa America, which covers the strongest football in South America.

The IOC is planning to announce the best opening date soon after carefully examining the schedule of international events in each event as well as the schedule of professional sports around the world.

(Video editing: Kim Byeong-jik)

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