Teller Report

Tokyo Olympic torch relay temporarily canceled

3/25/2020, 2:15:33 AM

Chinanews client Beijing, March 24th. In the evening on the 24th, Beijing time, the International Olympic Committee and the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee issued a joint statement. The Tokyo Olympics originally scheduled for 2020 were postponed and will be held at the latest in the summer of 2021. . Subsequently, the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee Chairman Yoshiro Mori held a press conference at which he stated that the torch relay activities of the Tokyo Olympics originally planned to start on March 26 were cancelled.

The torch is a universally recognized Olympic symbol. The torch relay reflects the spirit of peace, solidarity and friendship advocated by the Olympics. The collection of the Olympic flame is usually carried out a few months before the opening of the Olympic Games at the Hera Temple on the Olympia Hills in Greece. Subsequently, tens of thousands of torchbearers took turns holding the torch for relay transmission. Finally, the torch will arrive at the Olympic venue on the opening day, and the last torchbearer will light the main torch.

Throughout the torch relay in the past, each Olympic Games will play a different story. However, the torch of the Tokyo Olympics has a rather foul fate.

Prior to the Olympic flame collection, communities in Ilia, adjacent to the location where the flame was collected, were closed due to the high number of people infected with new crown pneumonia. The event was postponed.

Data map: On March 12, local time, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic flame collection ceremony was held at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, Greece. The picture shows the scene of the flame gathering ceremony.

However, the International Olympic Committee did not postpone the date, but adjusted the corresponding procedures according to the needs of epidemic prevention.

In the end, the Olympic flame was successfully collected at the Temple of Hera in Olympia, Greece, on March 12, local time without a witness from the audience. This was the first time since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

The Tokyo Olympic flame was to pass in Greece for a week, but when it was passed to Sparta, it caused a lot of crowds to watch. Therefore, the Greek Olympic Committee decided to cancel the remaining torch relay plan in Greece.

As at the time of the torch collection, the handover ceremony at the Panasinaiko stadium in Athens was held without spectators, journalists and hardly any guests.

The Olympic flame arrives in Japan.

Subsequently, the "lonely" Olympic flame took a special plane named "TOKYO 2020" and arrived at the Air Self-Defense Force Matsushima Base in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan on March 20, which also meant that the torch relay of the Tokyo Olympics truly entered "Tokyo time" ".

However, twelve hours before Tinder arrived in Japan, a strong wind blew out the flames from a long distance and became an embarrassing episode.

The Olympic flame went out unexpectedly.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), the Beijing Olympic Torch arrived in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan for exhibitions on the 20th.

During the welcoming ceremony, when the staff transferred the tinder to the holy brazier, due to the sudden strong wind in the local area, the holy flame was unexpectedly extinguished during the handover process, and the holy flame was not ignited until 30 minutes later.

In the meantime, in order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene, the organizer had to invite the Torch Relay ambassador and funny artist group "Sandwich Man" to perform an impromptu performance to "get time" for lighting the Torch.

The five rings were scattered by the wind before closing.

In addition, the original plan was to invite local elementary school students to participate in the welcoming ceremony of the torch. It was cancelled due to the epidemic, and only the Air Self-Defense Force was reserved for aircraft aerobatic performances.

However, when the Air Self-Defense Force was about to spray five rings with smoke in the air to meet the Olympic flame, due to the influence of the strong wind, the five rings from the plane had to be closed in the future and were scattered by strong winds.

According to the original plan, the torch relay of the Tokyo Olympics will start on March 26 from the football facility "J-Village" in Fukushima Prefecture. After that, about 10,000 torchbearers will travel throughout Japan in 121 days, the last The torchbearer will light the main torch at the Tokyo National Stadium, the main venue of the Tokyo Olympics, on July 24.

Data Map: During the torch gathering ceremony, the torchbearer was a Greek athlete and Korakaki, the 2016 Rio Olympics shooting champion. She became the first female torchbearer in history.

However, under the epidemic, the Tokyo Olympics Organizing Committee announced on March 17 that the Olympic flame relay in the first three stations in Japan will take the form of no audience, and any torchbearer with fever symptoms will be banned from participating in the relay. When the torchbearer runs and passes, he or she may not wear a mask. If the torchbearer voluntarily wears a mask, he will not be stopped. When getting on and off the bus, the torchbearer will take a temperature test, and the torchbearer with a temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius will be disqualified. The bus carrying the torchbearer will open all windows for ventilation throughout.

In the early morning of March 23, Beijing time, the International Olympic Committee held an emergency meeting in Switzerland and reiterated once again that the Tokyo Olympics will not be cancelled, and then the IOC and the Prime Minister of Japan stated that they might postpone the Tokyo Olympics. Although official attitudes have loosened, news from the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) said that relevant sources revealed that the torch relay in Japan planned for the Tokyo Olympics on March 26 will be carried out according to the original schedule.

However, Japanese media reported on the 23rd that due to the epidemic, the torch relay will be implemented as planned, but the method will change. It is reported that the Olympic torch will not be relayed by runners, but will be carried out in the form of touring torch lights. However, as the Tokyo Olympics were eventually postponed, the torch relay also came to an end.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), after the Tokyo Olympics extension date is decided, the torch relay will restart and priority will be given to the torchbearers who failed to participate in the run. We look forward to the flames of the Tokyo Olympics once again as humans overcome the horn of the new crown virus. (Finish)

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