Teller Report

Tasks: Swedish healthcare personnel coronas infected by patients

3/25/2020, 9:33:28 PM

Healthcare staff at yet another hospital in Stockholm report shortcomings in the management of suspected ill in covid-19. And data from within the healthcare system testify that staff have now become infected by corona. "Unfortunately, we think that has happened," says Dorieth Sonezidaric, elected representative of the Healthcare Association at Danderyds Hospital ..

There are prohibitions on visits to many Swedish hospitals. By all means, we try to avoid the spread of coronavirus within the healthcare system. But healthcare professionals have already been infected.

- We have several colleagues who are at home in covid. But they do not take samples, but they must undergo the flu they have, says Dorieth Sonezidaric, midwife and legitimate nurse and elected representative of the Nursing Association at Danderyds hospital.

Do you know that infection has been transmitted to health care professionals?

- Yes, it has happened.

Internal deviation reports from Danderyd's hospital, which SVT News has taken note of, show that on several occasions there has been a failure in the management of patients with suspected or found covid-19.

"Staff question"

Situations where there are no clear guidelines for hospital staff, lack of communication and faulty protective equipment around patients with suspected coronary disease. Infected patients have been transported without protection.

“Staff from the department are questioning whether the patient should be taken care of by us in anticipation of a test answer, but are informed that from the emergency room they have been in contact with an infectious doctor who says the risk is small. The patient comes up to the ward. Turns out, however, that he was Corona-positive and moved on to infection during the night. "

"It's terrible, if you work in a hospital, you have to have a safe work environment," says Johan Styrud, chief physician at Danderyds hospital and chairman of the Stockholm Medical Association.

- But the hospitals are not designed for two flows, we have common corridors and shared lifts so it is important that you get strict instructions on how to do everything.

"Not all patients have typical symptoms"

Another deviation report describes how a newly-delivered woman with suspected coronary disease was not taken care of and isolated in the right way due to a stressed staffing situation.

"Both staff, other patients are at risk when this happens," the deviation report states.

"All patients do not have such typical symptoms, and sometimes it can be difficult from the beginning to think that they have it," says chief physician Johan Styrud, who believes that patients and staff must be tested to a greater extent.

Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm has also reported internally on deficiencies in the infection protection of coronary-infected patients, which Sweden's Radio Ekot reported on this weekend.

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Johan Styrud: Not acceptable 2020