Teller Report

Send us your tributes to the trades involved during the confinement

3/25/2020, 3:00:56 PM

Creative people of all stripes, help us thank the trades that matter most today

Here is our modest contribution - 20 Minutes

More than ever, we realize how important they are. In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, and while France is confined, the trades that "count" are, despite themselves, highlighted. Caregivers, cashiers, police, garbage collectors, delivery men, farmers ... They brave fear, fatigue or danger every day to allow the entire population to continue living at best.

If, at 8 p.m., many of you already applaud the nursing staff (and so do we), we thought that we could also pay them a visual tribute. We have therefore produced some "posters" which we will post on our Facebook Twitter or Instagram accounts and which you can download as you wish to print them, or even reproduce them if you are not equipped with a printer.

It's your turn

If you feel like it, you can also make your own posters and send the results to us. For that, nothing could be simpler, you just have to fill in the form below. To your graphics tablets, pencils and others! Your best achievements will be shared on our social networks. Also, don't hesitate to share them on your own with the hashtag #Enpremiereligne, we'll be sure to take a look.

  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Society
  • Covid 19
  • Tribute
  • Testimony