Teller Report

Patients from Eastern France welcomed in Luxembourg

3/25/2020, 5:30:34 PM

To date, Luxembourg has so far identified 1,333 cases of new coronavirus, and eight deaths

Management of a patient with coronavirus at the Nantes University Hospital. - S. Salom-Gomis / Sipa

Luxembourg has welcomed six French patients, coming from Mulhouse (East of France), suffering from coronavirus and needing intensive care, an official source announced on Wednesday.

According to Minister of Health Paulette Lenert, six patients have already been admitted and a seventh should be received by Wednesday evening. To date, Luxembourg has so far identified 1,333 cases of new coronavirus, and eight deaths. A total of 143 people had to be hospitalized, including 21 in intensive care.

A support plan for businesses

While the authorities have imposed severe travel restrictions to stem the pandemic, the economy will benefit from support measures amounting to 8.8 billion euros (more than 14% of Luxembourg's GDP), the Prime Minister announced. Minister Xavier Bettel.

In detail, cost deferrals for companies are planned up to 4.5 billion euros, guarantees for loans will be granted for 2.5 billion euros and the smallest companies will receive 5,000 euros aid totaling 1.75 billion euros. The state also plans to cover 80% of wages in 15,000 companies affected by partial unemployment, which represents more than 100,000 employees or a quarter of employees in this small prosperous country.

"Financially speaking, we are strong"

In addition, special leave for family reasons has been introduced so that parents can keep their children at home, given the closure of schools and crèches. Luxembourg currently has a public debt equivalent to 21% of its GDP. The measures announced Wednesday will weigh down the slate but "I think we will stay below 30%," insisted Xavier Bettel.

"Financially speaking, we are strong, we can also absorb part of this effort with new debts," he added. Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita in the EU at 102,000 euros, a phenomenon which is explained by the good economic health of the country but also by the use of cross-border workers who represent almost half of the entire payroll.


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  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Health
  • World
  • Video
  • Mulhouse
  • Luxembourg