Teller Report

On-line exhibition, "cloud" side tour line

3/25/2020, 6:12:40 PM

Online exhibition "cloud" side tour online viewing performance

Line above the brigade foreground geometry

In the past few days, with the continuous improvement of the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation in China, many cultural venues are gradually reopening. During the special period of epidemic prevention and control, you do n’t go out to visit the exhibition, stay at home in the “quarantine” quartet, and enjoy the performance on the online platform ... Cultural life moves online and flies into the “cloud”.

Under the epidemic, under the guidance of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the National Museum of China, the Dunhuang Research Institute, the Nanjing Museum, and Hunan, Zhejiang, Liaoning and other provincial museums combined the short video platform Douyin to launch a live-at-home cloud travel museum event. The museums provide a cultural feast for the audience through live broadcasts and 360-degree panoramic exhibitions.

In a special period, many cultural and educational institutions innovate their presentation methods through online and digital methods. During the temporary closing period, more and more museums use online models and display technologies and interactive methods such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), three-dimensional technology, and holographic technology to get rid of the constraints of time and space. The “cloud exhibition” format was launched simultaneously, providing more exhibits and richer scenes to the public.

The Liaoning Provincial Museum launched the "See you again Tang" online VR exhibition, using modern digital technology to reproduce the Tang Dynasty paintings. National treasure-level treasures such as "Picture of Madam of the Country", "Picture of the Beautiful Lady of Flowers" and "Long Live Tongtian Post" are well-known in the "Exhibit". Rare than ever, today, viewers can simply glance at the treasures by simply sliding the screen.

Virtually play all kinds of 3D boutique cultural relics, and conduct AR / VR interactive experiences ... relying on the Hebei Digital Museum public service platform, these projects can be realized. The treasures of the town halls such as the Changxin Palace Lantern, the painted Sanle reliefs, the cultural relics unearthed from the Han tomb in Mancheng, and the ancient four famous kiln porcelains of Hebei, etc. display cultural relics.

"Cloud tourism" has also become a new attempt in the tourism industry during the epidemic. According to statistics, at least 20 cities and more than 1,000 scenic spots in China have opened online tour services, providing people with different "outing" experiences at home.

Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi has launched a real-world roaming platform. Online visitors can admire the grottoes in 360 degrees and deepen their understanding of history and culture in a professional and detailed explanation. The Summer Palace has launched the "Summer Palace · Speaking" H5 interactive mini-game. Through assessment and answering, you can learn about ancient architecture and heritage protection.

The Dunhuang Research Institute and Tencent have joined forces to create a WeChat mini-program-"Traveling in Dunhuang", which showcases artistic styles such as murals, colorful sculptures, and grottoes. The mellow colors, flowing lines, vivid interest, and sophisticated text appreciation make it possible to explore the ocean of Dunhuang culture and art without leaving home.

Customizing the personalized presentation content is a major feature of "Dunhuang Travel". Even if they do n’t know much about Dunhuang culture, users can explore the content they are interested in from the perspectives of art type, dynasty, color, etc., and complete a unique and unique "cloud" end in the deep cultural connotation and full aesthetic value. journey of.

"We have been exploring the use of digital technology to demonstrate Dunhuang culture." Said Zhao Shengliang, the director of the Dunhuang Research Institute. "I hope that the small program of" Traveling Dunhuang "will bring friends around the world closer to Dunhuang, enjoy the beauty of art, and get inspiration for new creations. . "

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, various performance agencies and groups have also based on their own characteristics, using the network to spread the platform, to add people to the home life of literature and art.

The Shanghai Opera House has launched the online art appreciation series "Accompanied by Your Art" on its official WeChat public account. The series is divided into three sections, "My Favorite Aria", "My Favorite Instrument" and "My Favorite Dance", to help people at home stay relaxed.

"Liang Zhu" is a nationalized form of violin symphony, which has shaped a beautiful oriental love story. "After pulling a period of" Liang Zhu ", the player seamlessly connected to" Rose Rose I Love You "," This song Once at the top of the American pop music list for a long time, westerners did not know at first that this was a Chinese piece of music. It was composed by Chen Gexin, the father of Chen Gang, the author of "Liang Zhu". It can be played in a jazz style. "Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra The chief Zhang Le participated in the performance of "My Favorite Musical Instrument" in "Accompanied by Your Art" in the form of speaking and performing.

A war epidemic has allowed performers to rethink the relationship between creation and audience from the transformation of the "stage"; it also allowed performance agencies and groups to realize that the real integration between online and offline can build a good relationship between product supply and cultural consumption. Virtuous circulation and conduction mechanisms. In the opinion of Nie Wei, director of the Arts Department of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee: "Culture is not only inherited in viewing and appreciation in the theater, but also reconstruction of the scene, inheritance in cultural consumption, cultural sharing, and cultural interaction."

"In the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the whole society, including the tourism industry, has undergone a huge experiment in digital life, work and study. It is necessary for the tourism industry to turn these emergency measures into a driving force for long-term change." Nankai Shi Peihua, a university professor and director of the Cooperative Innovation Center for Modern Tourism Development, believes that the impact of the epidemic is a severe test for the tourism industry, but it will not change the good development momentum and fundamentals of China ’s tourism industry. Examining the value of the tourism industry provides an opportunity for a comprehensive medical examination and upgrade for the healthy and high-quality development of the tourism industry in the future. "

The epidemic has changed the original development trajectory of many industries, and cloud exhibition is one of them. I believe in the future, the cloud exhibition has a lot of room for growth, and even changes the future existence of museums. As Alexander Koch, Distinguished Professor of the School of Art Management and Education of the Central Academy of Fine Arts said, the Digital Museum is no longer an additional addition to what we once thought of as a physical museum, but has become an independent item in the exhibition category. (Reporter Fu Xiaojing)

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