Teller Report

New crown pneumonia epidemic has killed more than 20,000 people worldwide

3/25/2020, 11:45:56 PM, March 26. According to real-time statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 6:30 am on March 26, Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia worldwide exceeded 460,000, and the cumulative deaths exceeded 21,000. example.

Among them, the epidemic situation in the United States, Italy, Spain and other countries is still severe; the deputy prime minister of Spain, the Crown Prince Charles of the United Kingdom and other national leaders have successively "recruited"; the United Kingdom, France and other countries have adopted various laws and proposals to deal with the epidemic; Wait for many countries to declare a state of emergency.

Data map: United Nations Secretary-General Guterres. Photo by Liao Pan of China News Agency

UN: All humanity must fight back

On March 25th local time, the United Nations launched the "Global New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Humanitarian Response Plan", which aims to help the world's most vulnerable countries fight the epidemic, protect the lives of millions of people, and stop the virus from spreading across countries.

UN Secretary-General Guterres said that the new crown virus is threatening all humanity, so all humanity must fight back together. It is not enough for individual countries to take response measures.

Guterres and the heads of the agencies called on member states to work to prevent the spread of the new crown virus in fragile countries and to give the response plan the greatest support to control the spread of the epidemic globally.

In addition, World Health Organization Director-General Tan Desai praised Japan's postponement of the Tokyo Olympics as a "difficult and wise" decision in a speech on the 25th. He also called on countries that have taken measures to "catch the city" to take advantage of this opportunity to take action to respond to the epidemic.

On March 24 local time, people walked through the Javits Center in New York, USA. Photo by Liao Pan of China News Agency

U.S. military stationed abroad for 60 days after severe outbreak in New York State

According to data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 6:30 am on March 26, Beijing time, a total of 65,285 confirmed cases and 926 deaths have occurred in the United States. The outbreak in New York State was the worst, with more than 30,000 confirmed cases.

New York State Governor Cuomo said that New York State currently has 25% of new crown pneumonia tests in the United States, but the peak of confirmed cases has not yet arrived.

In addition, Louisiana has become another state in the United States that has been classified as a "major disaster area" due to the epidemic. Affected by the epidemic, New York, Washington, California and Iowa have been listed as "significant disaster areas".

On the 25th, the U.S. Secretary of Defense issued a cease-and-desist order to the U.S. military, demanding that all U.S. troops stationed overseas cease all travel and action plans. The order will be executed for up to 60 days to prevent the epidemic from spreading among US forces.

This measure is the most extensive preventive order by the U.S. military so far, but the drawdown of the U.S. military in Afghanistan is uninterrupted and personnel withdrawal will continue.

On March 12, local time, a man wearing a protective mask walked up the steps in the Spagna Square in central Rome, Italy.

Italy: collective infection in four nursing homes

According to data from the Italian Ministry of Health on the 25th, the number of confirmed cases in the country increased to 74,836, with 7,503 deaths.

In the past few days, collective infections have occurred in four nursing homes in and around Rome. So far, more than 160 people have been infected and three have died. The number of infected people is increasing. All four pension institutions are also isolated.

Previously, the Italian cabinet passed a new epidemic prevention and control law to increase punishment for violations of prevention and control measures. According to the new decree, the state of national emergency in Italy continues until July 31, during which the epidemic prevention and control decree can be further adjusted.

In an interview with the media, WHO's assistant director-general, Ranieri Guella, said that Italy could have its peak this week.

Recently, the Madrid Convention and Exhibition Center in Spain was transformed into a square cabin hospital and began to receive patients. The picture shows the beds arranged in the square cabin hospital on March 21st local time.

Spain: Deputy Prime Minister tests positive

As of the 25th, Spain has added 7,937 confirmed cases, with a total of 47,610 and a total of 3,434 deaths. Spain has become the fourth country in the world with more than 40,000 confirmed cases. It is also the only country in Europe with an epidemic second only to Italy.

Spain ’s Prime Minister ’s Office said on the 25th that Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo tested positive for the new crown virus on the 24th. Calvo is currently undergoing isolation treatment at a Madrid clinic and is recovering well.

In addition, several officials have been infected by the Spanish government. His wife, mother and father-in-law were also diagnosed.

Local time March 24, London, UK, empty train carriages on the Piccadilly line.

UK Parliament passes emergency outbreak bill

On the 25th local time, the British Ministry of Health and Social Security released the latest data. The country has added 1452 confirmed cases and 43 new deaths, with a cumulative diagnosis of 9,529. The cumulative total of deaths is 465.

The emergency bill to deal with the new crown pneumonia epidemic was passed in the upper house of the British parliament on the same day, and it only needs to be passed by the royal family to become law. The bill aims to give the government more power to deal with the spread of the epidemic.

In addition, Buckingham Palace said on the 25th that Prince Charles's new crown virus test result was positive, but the symptoms were mild, his health was good, and he was isolated at home. Queen Elizabeth II is now in good health.

Germany: Merkel tests negative for second test

As of 0:00 on the 25th local time, 4118 new cases were confirmed in Germany, with a total of 31,554 cases and 149 deaths.

Data Map: German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Photo by China Press Agency Peng Dawei

A German government spokesman announced on the 25th that the country ’s Chancellor Merkel had a negative test for the new crown virus and will conduct a third test early next week. Previously, she had contact with a confirmed patient and began home isolation on the 22nd.

France passes 25 emergency orders, Switzerland confirms diagnosis

On the 25th, French President Macron inspected the severely affected area in France and announced the launch of anti-epidemic military operations. The outbreak in France continued to worsen that day, with a total of 25,233 confirmed cases and 1,331 deaths.

Under the strict control measures, pedestrians and vehicles can hardly be seen on Rivoli Avenue in the center of Paris. Photo by Li Yang, China News Agency

French Prime Minister Philip announced on the same day that the meeting passed 25 administrative decrees to deal with the impact of the epidemic on various aspects of the economy and society.

On the other hand, according to data from Hopkins University, as of 6:02 on the 26th Beijing time, Switzerland has confirmed a total of 10,897 cases, becoming the fifth country in Europe with a diagnosis of more than 10,000.

Russia: National paid week off next week

On the 25th local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in a speech on the outbreak that next week Russia will take a week-long holiday with pay, and the long holiday will last from March 28 to April 5.

"Of course, all living security institutions, including medical institutions, pharmacies, stores, banks, financial settlement agencies, transportation and authorities at all levels, will continue to operate."

Data map: Russian President Putin.

Affected by the epidemic, the referendum on the amendment of the Russian Constitution will also be postponed.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Golikova said on the 25th that the total number of confirmed cases in Russia has increased to 658, and a total of 29 cases have been cured.

Multiple countries declare emergency

New Zealand announced on the 25th local time that the country entered a state of emergency that day. Emergencies apply throughout New Zealand, including the Chatham Islands, Stewart Island and other inhabited islands.

On the same day, Jim Watson, the mayor of Ottawa, Canada, announced that Ottawa was in a state of emergency. Prior to this, major cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary have all declared emergency states.

In response to the epidemic, the Philippines, Ukraine, Congo (DRC), Seganel, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone and other countries have declared a state of emergency. (Finish)

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