Teller Report

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Over 63,000 4G and 5G base stations were newly built during the epidemic

3/25/2020, 8:22:24 AM

China News Network on March 25 Han Xia, director of the Information and Communication Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Electricity and Information Technology, said on March 25 that China has fully built an optical network city, with a total size of 5.488 million 4G base stations, fiber access rates in administrative villages, and 4G access. The rate is over 98%, the network scale is the world's leading, and the performance indicators are among the best. During the epidemic, more than 63,000 4G and 5G base stations were newly built.

The State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism held a press conference in Beijing on March 25 to introduce the new generation of information technology to help the epidemic prevention and control, resumption of production and production of small and medium-sized enterprises. Han Xia made the above presentation at the press conference.

Data map: 5G mobile phones sold at a mobile phone point of sale. China News Agency reporter Chen Chao

Han Xia said that since the outbreak, in order to ensure the smooth flow of the network, China's communications industry has continuously fought and worked hard to achieve uninterrupted network, continuous service, and constant performance. It can be said that it has successfully withstood the epidemic.

With years of continuous communication construction, China's network infrastructure has taken the lead worldwide. Through the implementation of the strategy of network power and the construction of large-scale communication networks, China has now fully established an optical network city. The total size of 4G base stations has reached 5.488 million. The fiber access rate and 4G access rate in administrative villages have exceeded 98%. The scale is world-leading, and the performance index is also among the best. During the epidemic, more than 63,000 4G and 5G base stations were newly built, which further enhanced the network's capabilities and consolidated the network foundation for communication service guarantee. At the same time, 5G network deployment and application was strengthened, and communication guarantee tasks and 5G coverage in key places such as Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain were quickly completed.

Han Xia pointed out that the scale deployment of new network infrastructure has provided strong support for the new format. The prosperity of new network formats such as cloud office, cloud teaching, and cloud medical care cannot be separated from the scale deployment of new network infrastructures such as the Internet of Things, CDN, and data centers. This new type of network infrastructure provides strong support for the landing and promotion of new technologies and applications such as 5G + telemedicine, 5G + remote office, 5G + remote conference, etc., and has been implemented for several years to speed up and reduce fees, making it available to users. 2. You can afford this network and fully enjoy advanced network resources.

Han Xia said that up to now, the total number of communication support personnel in the national communications industry is 357,000, and the number of various support vehicles is 174,000, which effectively guarantees the smooth operation of the national communication network.