Teller Report

“There was severe pneumonia”: two patients with coronavirus died in Moscow

3/25/2020, 9:40:13 PM

Two elderly patients in whom coronavirus was detected died in Moscow. According to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, they had chronic illnesses and immunity was weakened. In addition, the mayor said that in the period from March 28 to 5, declared Vladimir Putin off, in the capital it is necessary to close restaurants, cafes and parks. According to Sobyanin, otherwise the Russians can use the long weekend to come to Moscow, and this will only worsen the epidemiological situation.

In the period from March 28 to April 5, which was declared non-working by Russian President Vladimir Putin, additional restrictive measures will be applied in Moscow in the framework of combating the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. This was stated by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, on the air of the TVC channel.

“I believe that restaurants and cafes should not work, parks, especially central ones. Many will have a desire these days to come to Moscow to take a walk. The flow of tourists who come from nearby regions and cities will increase. So, in Moscow at this time there will be nothing to do! Better to be at home, ”said Sobyanin.

Earlier, the Russian government ordered the regional authorities to suspend the activities of cinemas, nightclubs, discos, children's entertainment centers and game rooms, as well as other entertainment and leisure facilities. In addition, a ban on smoking hookahs in cafes, restaurants, bars and other similar places is introduced.

At the same time, the Moscow authorities ordered about 1.9 million elderly and chronically ill Muscovites to observe the home self-isolation regime until April 14.

Nevertheless, Sobyanin urged the townspeople to be optimistic.

“I’m sure that difficult times will pass. These are not years, several months, and they will pass, we will return to normal life. The economy will recover, the work of enterprises. Life goes on, we must look to the future with optimism, but at the same time not relax, ”the mayor explained.

However, Sergei Sobyanin believes that in the Russian capital, the peak incidence of coronavirus has not yet been passed.

“We are only at the beginning of this peak of the disease, we will hope that it will be smoother and more painless than we see in other countries,” he explained.

  • RIA News
  • © Evgeny Odinokov

According to the latest data, 658 confirmed cases of coronavirus infection with COVID-19 were recorded in Russia, 410 of them in Moscow. At the same time, 29 people are considered recovered, including 14 Muscovites.

Meanwhile, three cases of deaths of people who have been diagnosed with coronavirus are already known.

So, on March 19, a 79-year-old patient died, the cause of death of which was a detached blood clot. At the same time, on March 25, patients 73 and 88 years old died, in whom pneumonia was confirmed and there were concomitant pathologies. According to Sergei Sobyanin, the victims had a number of chronic diseases and had weakened immunity.

“The doctors did everything possible, but failed,” he said.

According to the World Health Organization on March 25, more than 413 thousand confirmed cases of coronavirus have been recorded worldwide. Over 18 thousand people became victims of infection.

At the same time, in Italy, the country that is considered the most severely affected by the pandemic, the fourth day the number of new cases of COVID-19 infection has been declining. According to the representative of the Italian Civil Defense Service Agostino Miozzo, at the moment there are more than 57 thousand infected people in the country, while 7 503 people have already died.

Putin's appeal

On Wednesday, March 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed citizens of the country in connection with the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19. The head of state noted that Russia, due to its geographical location, cannot completely block the penetration of infection into its territory.

“Near our borders are states that are already seriously affected by the epidemic, and it is objectively impossible to completely block its penetration into our country. But what we can and are already doing is to work professionally, in an organized manner and in advance. And the main priority here is the life and health of our citizens, ”Putin said.

In this regard, the chapter called on fellow citizens to observe the precautions and instructions of doctors.

At the same time, in order to prevent the spread of infection, the working week from March 30 to April 5 was declared non-working.

“I appeal to all citizens of the country. Let's not do it, relying on our Russian chance. Please do not think, as it happens with us: “Ah! It will not concern me. ” It can affect everyone. And then what is happening today in many Western countries - both in Europe and overseas - may become our immediate future. All recommendations must be followed. It is necessary to protect yourself and your loved ones, to show discipline and responsibility. And believe me: the safest thing now is to be at home, ”the president added.

In addition, the Russian leader announced a number of social and economic measures designed to support the population, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, which were in a difficult situation due to the situation with coronavirus.

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