Teller Report

The Russian Foreign Ministry clarified the conditions for the export of Ukrainians from the country by special train

3/24/2020, 8:18:21 PM

The Russian Foreign Ministry specified that only those Ukrainians who want this will be taken out of the country by special train, this is only a measure of assistance.

“In connection with the requests to clarify whether the order of the government headquarters involves ... the deportation of the Ukrainians, we would like to clarify that we are talking only about assisting individuals who have expressed a voluntary desire to return to their country, taking into account the difficult situation with coronavirus,” RIA quoted News message from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Earlier, the Russian government instructed to organize a one-time export by rail of Ukrainian citizens to their homeland and Russians from Ukraine.

As reported, Russian Railways appointed a special train N 906/905 on the route Kiev - Moscow - Kiev, which will take the citizens of the two countries home in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. The train will have 18 wagons - about 800 seats.

The train will leave from Kiev on March 27 and March 28 will proceed in the opposite direction - from Moscow to Kiev. The train will follow the route non-stop.

According to the latest data, the number of cases of coronavirus infection with COVID-19 in Ukraine increased to 97, in Russia - to 495.