Teller Report

Ståhl's coach: "Would guess that there will be no World Cup next year"

3/24/2020, 6:15:50 PM

Competition after competition, championship after championship, is postponed and right now 2021 appears to be packed with various championships. Following today's announcement that the Olympics are postponed, this means that the athletes have both the Olympic Games and the World Championships to carry out during the same year. - The Olympic Games is the big goal for us, says Vésteinn Hafsteinsson, coach of Daniel Ståhl.

The World Cup is already planned to be held in the summer of 2021, August 6-15.

- Now we do not know if it will be a World Cup. Sebastian Coe (chairman of the International Athletics Association) has to make a play, but of course everyone is betting on the Olympics during one Olympic year. It will be priority.

"Had planned to go to the US"

- I would guess that there will be no World Cup next year. From our side it is very little drama really. For example, if it becomes a World Cup a month before the Olympics it is okay for us, but we are still investing in the Olympics.

That the Olympics are now postponed does not come as a shock to the Swedish throwers, Fanny Roos, Simon Pettersson and Daniel Ståhl, for which Hafsteinsson is the coach.

- We have started watching this for 2-3 weeks. We have listened to the authorities and then adjusted. We had planned to go to the US next week to compete in some college competitions that are quite large.

"Expect price money to be lowered"

- We continue to train for the season and continue to throw far. We invest in throwing pers, throwing a Swedish record, so you get a payout for the training you did this winter. I hope their motivation is there, we will all have a meeting tomorrow.

The entire society has been hit hard and the world economy has been rocking. Something that obviously affects the Swedish athletes.

- This is hitting hard on everyone. If you can not participate in any competitions participating, you will not receive any money. Daniel, Simon and Fanny are all in the SOK venture, which is good for them to do well financially.

- I expect that prize money will be lowered this year and you will not get as many competitions.