Teller Report

Of the 3 major operators in the room, only 'God' is not arrested ... IP specific tracking

3/24/2020, 4:03:55 AM

As Jo Joo-bin was arrested on charges of operating and operating a 'Dr. Dr. Bang' on the online messenger telegram for the production and distribution of sexual exploits against women, attention is also drawn to operators who use the nickname 'God'. According to the National Police Agency, since September last year, as of September, 124 people have been arrested as a result of investigating a chat room for telegram sexual exploitation, including 'room n'.

As Jo Joo-bin (25) was arrested for operating and spreading sexual exploitation against women while running 'Parkbang' in the online messenger telegram, the interest is also attracted to the operator who uses the nickname 'God'.

According to the National Police Agency, since September last year, as of September, 124 people have been arrested as a result of investigating a chat room for telegram sexual exploitation, including 'room n'.

Of these, 18 people were arrested, including Mr. Cho, the owner of Dr. Bang.

The origin of the sexual exploitation video sharing room on Telegram was' n 'room', and 'Park's room', which was operated in the most vicious way, was created along the line.

'God God' has created several sexual exploitation video sharing rooms, which are collectively called 'n room'.

A former watchman, Mo (38), who has been running 'n' room 'from' God ', is arrested last year and is currently in trial.

Among the 3 operators of the Telegram Castle Exploitation Video Sharing Room, all were caught except 'God God'.

The arrested prisoner is accused of distributing over 9,000 sexual exploitations against women, including minors, through 'Room n'.

'Gatgat' impersonated the police, etc. until he handed over 'n room' to the ex-president and obtained personal information and video of the victim, and then threatened to 'distribute to family and school if he didn't send obscene video.'

Through this, 'God God' is said to have distributed pornographic images transmitted from minors to telegrams.

The Gyeongbuk Provincial Police Agency, which has been assigned a 'Gat Gat' investigation by the National Police Agency, is tracking the Internet Protocol (IP) of the operator of the nickname 'Gat Gat'.

A police official said, "In cyber crime, car names, pseudonyms, and surnames are prevalent. Even if an IP is specified, it is necessary to check whether the IP user is a criminal."