Teller Report

Immediately before the medical collapse 伊 "up to 4 million won without permission"

3/24/2020, 11:46:13 PM

Recently, the share of inflow outside Corona19 has been increasing. It's not just that we can get things better. In Europe, the cumulative number of patients now exceeds 200,000. In Italy, we wanted to falter for a moment, and over 740 people died a day, with over 6,800 cumulative deaths.


Recently, the share of inflow outside Corona19 has been increasing. It's not just that we can get things better. In Europe, the cumulative number of patients now exceeds 200,000. In Italy, we wanted to falter for a moment, and over 740 people died a day, with over 6,800 cumulative deaths.

Reporter Ahn Seo-hyun.


A plane from Italy landed at Leipzig Airport in Germany.

Corona19 A massive outbreak has brought six critically ill patients in Italy, where the medical system was on the verge of collapse.

The German government says it plans to receive and treat patients from neighboring countries such as Italy.

Italy's Corona19 fatality has risen sharply again to a total of 6,820 nationwide.

[Angelo Borelli / Citizens' Protection Commissioner of Italy: Unfortunately, the number of deaths in Italy in Corona19 increased by 743 more every day.]

The second largest death increase ever.

The cumulative number of confirmed patients increased by 5,200 to 69,000.

The Italian government has passed an administrative order to raise the fine for unauthorized outing to about 4 million won in Korean money to strengthen the effectiveness of the nationwide mobility limit.

In Italy, you can't leave your home except inevitable, such as purchasing food and medicine or commuting.

In Spain, the number of deaths per day increased by more than 500 to 2,800, and confirmed cases exceeded 39,000.

In Germany and the UK, the number of confirmed cases increased by thousands of people per day, and the total number of confirmed cases in Europe exceeded 200,000 and the number of deaths exceeded 10,000.

The finance ministers and central bank governors of the seven major countries said they would "take all the necessary steps" to jointly issue and quickly restore the economic turmoil caused by Corona19.

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