Teller Report

Are you sure about 'Olympic acting'? ... Japan-IOC to discuss related tonight

3/24/2020, 8:45:50 AM

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Tokyo Olympics, which will open in July, will be postponed in the aftermath of the Corona 19. Tonight, Prime Minister Abe and IOC Chairman Thomas Bach discuss ways to delay the holding.


It is becoming increasingly clear that the Tokyo Olympics, which will open in July, will be postponed in the aftermath of the Corona 19. Tonight (24th), Japanese Prime Minister Abe and IOC Chairman Thomas Bach discuss ways to delay the holding.

Reporter Sunghoon Lee.


Japanese media, including NHK Broadcasting, reported tonight that Japanese Prime Minister Abe and Chairman Bach IOC had a phone call to discuss issues related to the Tokyo Olympics tonight.

Abe is said to ask Chairman Bach to decide as soon as possible a specific plan, including when to postpone the Olympics.

There have also been reports that the IOC has already strengthened its policy by holding off.

Canada's Dick Pound, former vice chairman of the IOC, told USA Today that the IOC has decided to postpone the Tokyo Olympics and is likely to be held next year.

The Sankei Shimbun also quoted an anonymous official from the Japanese government as saying that the deferment was virtually confirmed.

The International Association of Athletics Federations has also helped plan to host the Olympics next year, as the Tokyo Olympics will be postponed to 2021, and the schedule for the World Athletics Championships, which will open on August 23, next year, can be changed.

NBC, a broadcaster in the United States, which has already sold more than 1.5 trillion won in advertisements to Tokyo Olympics broadcasters, also made a statement and accepted the act by issuing a statement saying, "I will support the decision of the IOC, the Japanese government and the world health authorities." He said he would.