Teller Report

A number of Russian banks increased mortgage and deposit rates

3/24/2020, 7:15:39 AM

Russian banks began to raise interest rates on mortgages and deposits, it follows from a survey conducted by RIA Novosti.

Thus, Otkrytie raised its mortgage rate by 1.5 percentage points, and Sovcombank and Tinkoff increased interest rates on deposits.

As noted, a number of lending institutions, including Rosbank, Raiffeisenbank and Zenit, made relevant decisions before Friday’s statement by the Central Bank on maintaining the key rate at 6% per annum.

At the same time, VTB immediately after the meeting of the regulator decided not to change the conditions for loan products; Post Bank also has no plans to significantly revise the indicators.

Home Credit and OTP Bank have suggested that financial institutions will now take a wait and see attitude. Sberbank declined to comment on product terms prior to their entry into force.

Earlier, Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina said that the decision of the Central Bank balances risks to the economy and financial stability. She did not rule out that stable inflationary factors would form and that this option could also be considered at upcoming meetings.