Teller Report

Coronavirus, Conte sees center-right: commitment to make dl unique. "All EU countries use our rigor"

3/23/2020, 9:39:33 PM

"We must demand that all countries adopt rigorous lines of contrast against Coronavirus infection. Italy is implementing a strategy that costs us sacrifices, with a significant economic impact, to obtain a result. We cannot accept that other countries instead face this struggle with a lower penalty threshold, because then we could be exposed to the effects of a return infection. That is why the coordinated European response at all levels is the only possibility ". So Giuseppe Conte, as far as we learn, in the meeting with the opposition. Commitment to make single DL The government has undertaken to evaluate transforming the four decrees on the coronavirus emergency into one. This is what sources of opposition parties say, while the meeting with Giuseppe Conte in Palazzo Chigi is still ongoing. "Parliament becomes a crisis unit" Premier Giuseppe Conte therefore received representatives of the opposition at Palazzo Chigi, to listen to the proposals on the coronavirus emergency, even if, on balance, the parties are far more than the meter prescribed by the scientific community . At least on a political level. The head of government listens, takes notes, asks for explanations on some ideas, but the feeling is that then, in Parliament, it will be difficult to find mediation on the ten points proposed by the center-right. Which appears "compact", as Matteo Salvini claims, with the trident together with the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, and the vice president of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, who takes the place of Silvio Berlusconi, who meanwhile returns to make his voice asking for a flat tax for everyone at 15% and that the executive hears the proposals of its political area, given that "what has been done so far is completely insufficient". However, it is necessary to separate the health plan from the economic one. Because among the proposals made by the center-right there is that of supplying respirators and oxygen "immediately" to all hospitals that have requested it for some time, as well as testing all the drugs that can be useful to fight the virus. All acceptable measures and on which the government is already working. In fact, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, also participates in the meeting, even if connected by videoconference. On the 'field', however, there is Federico D'Incà, owner of relations with Parliament, who shortly before had gathered the majority group leaders to trace a road to the decree 'Cura Italia' in the Senate. The choice was to rely on the group leaders' conference. Lega, Fratelli d'Italia and FI are waiting for the parliamentary passage to relaunch their amendments. The economic ones, on which, so to speak, the distance is created with the executive. Salvini is clear: his political part wants the economic protection of all workers, VAT included. And again, liquidity and tax stops for businesses, especially the smaller ones. Money immediately to the Municipalities, "to help the mayors to be close to all their citizens". And defense of Italian companies, under fire by foreign multinationals, who could take advantage of the difficult period to try to take strategic assets. Obviously, at European level, the no is dry in the Mes "in any form. Hellish treaty that puts the savings and the future of the Italians at risk". The center-right also brought another request to the premier, that of reopening Parliament. Meloni wants the Chambers to become a real "Crisis Unit, in which they can work daily, put together the best energies, make proposals and give answers to the Italians. The President of FdI, before responding to Conte's invitation , he had publicly thanked the head of state, Sergio Mattarella, "for having worked to create a climate of collaboration between all political forces at this moment so delicate for Italy". The President of the Republic, in fact, had heard Salvini after the request from the center-right to be received at the Colle A "cordial and courteous" phone call Conte Thursday in Parliament The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, should present a report on the coronavirus emergency, Thursday morning in the Chamber Chamber and immediately after in the Senate (indicative times 9.30 3 am 12.30), but will be the Conferences of the group leaders of the two branches of Parliament, tomorrow in the Chamber and the day after tomorrow in the Sen ato, to decide the exact date and time. Meanwhile, the information from the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza are also being evaluated. Azzolina, is explained by majority parliamentary sources, should report to the Senate, it is assumed on the same day on Thursday. Minister Speranza, 'called' to the Chamber by Italy alive on the subject of masks and delays in deliveries, could instead carry out urgent information next week, both in the House and in the Senate. Commissioner Domenico Arcuri should also be heard by Parliament. Among the hypotheses put forward in these hours, it is explained, there is the possibility that Arcuri will be heard in the coming days by the commissions of the Chamber and the Senate in joint session, or that he may connect by videoconference already on the occasion of the Conference of the group leaders on Wednesday in the Senate for a first intervention.

  • Coronavirus, Conte meets the leaders of the center
  • Coronavirus. Salvini to Mattarella: "I ask you five immediate interventions in the name of Italians"
  • 10 thousand deaths in Europe, Germany treats 6 Italian patients. UK closes stores, all home
  • Salvini goes to Mattarella: "Government of unity? The League is there, but without Count and without the Democratic Party"
  • Coronavirus. Meloni: "Italy in chaos, convene Parliament"
  • Coronavirus. Oppositions: "Parliament is summoned to the bitter end"


March 23, 2020 "We must demand that all countries adopt strict lines to combat Coronavirus infection. Italy is implementing a strategy that costs us sacrifices, with a significant economic impact, to obtain a result. We cannot accept that other countries instead face this fight with a lower penalty threshold, because then we could be exposed to the effects of a return infection. That is why the coordinated European response at all levels is the only possibility ". So Giuseppe Conte, as far as we learn, in the meeting with the opposition.

Commitment to make Dl unique
The government has pledged to evaluate transforming the four coronavirus emergency decrees into one. This is what sources of opposition parties say, while the meeting with Giuseppe Conte in Palazzo Chigi is still ongoing.

"Parliament become crisis unit"
The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte therefore received representatives of the oppositions at Palazzo Chigi, to listen to the proposals on the coronavirus emergency, even if, on balance, the parties are far more than the meter prescribed by the scientific community. At least on a political level. The head of government listens, takes notes, asks for explanations on some ideas, but the feeling is that then, in Parliament, it will be difficult to find mediation on the ten points proposed by the center-right. Which appears "compact", as Matteo Salvini claims, with the trident together with the leader of FdI, Giorgia Meloni, and the vice president of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, who takes the place of Silvio Berlusconi, who meanwhile returns to make his voice asking for a flat tax for everyone at 15% and that the executive hears the proposals of its political area, given that "what has been done so far is completely insufficient".

However, it is necessary to separate the health plan from the economic one. Because among the proposals made by the center-right there is that of supplying respirators and oxygen "immediately" to all hospitals that have requested it for some time, as well as testing all the drugs that can be useful to fight the virus. All acceptable measures and on which the government is already working. In fact, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, also participates in the meeting, even if connected by videoconference. On the 'field', however, there is Federico D'Incà, owner of relations with Parliament, who shortly before had gathered the majority group leaders to trace a road to the decree 'Cura Italia' in the Senate. The choice was to rely on the group leaders' conference.

Lega, Fratelli d'Italia and FI are waiting for the parliamentary passage to relaunch their amendments. The economic ones, on which, so to speak, the distance is created with the executive. Salvini is clear: his political part wants the economic protection of all workers, VAT included. And again, liquidity and tax stops for businesses, especially the smaller ones. Money immediately to the Municipalities, "to help the mayors to be close to all their citizens". And defense of Italian companies, under fire by foreign multinationals, who could take advantage of the difficult period to try to take strategic assets. Obviously, at European level, the no is dry in the Mes "in any form. Hellish treaty that puts the savings and the future of the Italians at risk".

The center-right also brought another request to the premier, that of reopening Parliament. Meloni wants the Chambers to become a real "Crisis Unit, in which they can work daily, put together the best energies, make proposals and give answers to the Italians. The President of FdI, before responding to Conte's invitation , he had publicly thanked the head of state, Sergio Mattarella, "for having worked to create a climate of collaboration between all political forces at this moment so delicate for Italy". The President of the Republic, in fact, had heard Salvini after the request from the center-right to be received at the Colle. A "cordial and courteous" telephone call.

Count Thursday in Parliament
The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, should present a report on the coronavirus emergency, Thursday morning in the Chamber Chamber and immediately afterwards in the Senate (indicative times 9.30 3 am 12.30 pm), but it will be the Conferences of the group leaders of the two branches of Parliament, tomorrow in the House and the day after the Senate, to decide the exact date and time. Meanwhile, the information from the Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina, and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza are also being evaluated. Azzolina, is explained by majority parliamentary sources, should report to the Senate, it is assumed on the same day on Thursday. Minister Speranza, 'called' to the Chamber by Italy alive on the subject of masks and delays in deliveries, could instead carry out urgent information next week, both in the House and in the Senate. Commissioner Domenico Arcuri should also be heard by Parliament. Among the hypotheses put forward in these hours, it is explained, there is the possibility that Arcuri will be heard in the coming days by the commissions of the Chamber and the Senate in joint session, or that he may connect by videoconference already on the occasion of the Conference of the group leaders on Wednesday in the Senate for a first intervention.