Teller Report

Confirmed cases in Italy increase to 63,927

3/23/2020, 11:21:27 PM, March 24th. According to Euronet quoted by Europa, the Italian Ministry of Emergency Civil Defense and the new crown pneumonia epidemic news center reported at a regular press conference on the 23rd. As of March 23, at 6 pm, confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia in Italy It increased to 63,927 cases, with 50,418 existing cases, and 3,204 severe cases. Among them, 7,432 patients were cured and 6,077 died. The number of newly diagnosed and fatal cases in a single day has declined for two consecutive days.

On March 12, local time, a man wearing a protective mask walked up the steps in the Spagna Square in central Rome, Italy.

According to reports, Angelo Borrelli, Italy ’s Minister of Emergency Civil Defense and spokesperson for the new crown pneumonia epidemic, said that in the past 24 hours, 4789 new cases were confirmed across the country, down from 5560 the previous day 771 cases; 601 new deaths, 50 fewer than the 651 the previous day. This is the second consecutive day of decline in the number of confirmed patients and deaths in a single day. Judging from the two-day situation, the spread of the epidemic has begun to slow down, and the cure rate for patients is increasing significantly.

Borelli pointed out at a press conference that the Italian government and people sincerely thank China, Russia, France and Germany and other international communities for their selfless support and assistance in the fight against the new crown pneumonia crisis. Thanks to the assistance of the international community, the pressure on Italy's lack of medical resources has been greatly relieved, and valuable time has been won for the victory of the epidemic.

Silvio Brusaferro, director of the Italian National Institute of Advanced Studies in Health, said that the number of new cases in the past two days has dropped by 1,868, indicating that the isolation policy has begun to bear fruit. As long as people continue to stay at home, as the number of new cases gradually decreases, the time for effective epidemic control will be greatly shortened.

Bruce Law emphasized that the current epidemic situation has been basically isolated in northern cities and towns. Whether the epidemic situation can be prevented from spreading to outside areas is the key to winning the national epidemic. And the implementation of measures to ban the movement of people in remote cities and towns will be the most important step in the next epidemic prevention work. (Boyuan)

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