Teller Report

Coronavirus: the coast and the major cities of the Alpes-Maritimes under curfew from Sunday evening

3/22/2020, 6:45:48 PM

From Sunday evening until March 31, a decree issued by the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture imposes a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. in all the municipalities on the coast of the department and in those with more than 10,000 inhabitants. The purpose of this decree is to slow the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

From Sunday evening until March 31, a decree issued by the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture imposes a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. in all the municipalities on the coast of the department and in those with more than 10,000 inhabitants. The purpose of this decree is to slow the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.

The prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes issued a decree imposing a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the Covid-19.

This decree comes into force on Sunday and is valid until March 31, 2020. It also requires the closure of all food businesses at 9:30 p.m. to allow their customers to comply with these measures. Violation of the provisions of the decree will be punished with a fine of 135 euros, increased to 375 euros.

>> LIVE - Follow the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic Sunday March 22

Derogation for certain trips

The ban on night trips does not, however, concern business trips, subject to a derogatory certificate, trips for health reasons, for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable persons or childcare, or trips as part of missions of general interest.

The decree considers that "the gatherings of people organizing themselves during the night, in an open environment as in places of promiscuity, participate in the rapid spread of the virus" and that "the internal security forces have observed such gatherings in the urban areas of the department and on the littoral "of the Alpes-Maritimes.


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Since Friday, several municipalities, including Nice and Vallauris-Golfe-Juan, had issued municipal decrees establishing a curfew. The prefecture said in a statement that the Principality of Monaco, in coordination with the French authorities, will put in place on its territory similar provisions from this evening.

Elsewhere in France too, several municipalities have taken similar measures, including Montpellier and Béziers (Hérault) or Charleville-Mézières (Ardennes).