Teller Report

SOK responds to the Norwegian Olympic Games: "No polarization"

3/21/2020, 10:43:14 AM

The Norwegian Sports Federation yesterday appealed in a letter to the IOK to postpone the Olympics in view of the corona virus. Now SOK's Peter Reinebo is responding to the play. - I think it's a little emotional based on what the situation looks like in Norway, he tells SVT Sport.

Norwegian news agency NTB reported yesterday that the Norwegian Sports Federation (NIF) has sent a letter to International Olympic Committee (IOC) chairman Thomas Bach with a plea not to arrange the summer Olympics in Tokyo until the ongoing corona pandemic is under control.

The Swedish Olympic Committee (SOK) still strongly supports IOK.

- Their attitude, which we sympathize with, is that we should implement these games if possible. But it should be remembered that the health issue is crucial and there is a daily follow-up. The games should not be carried out if it is dangerous to health, nor any qualms, says operations manager Peter Reinebo to SVT Sport.

Think more connects

He himself has not spoken to his Norwegian colleagues since Wednesday's big telephone conference where 200 people gathered. But he has read parts of the play.

- It seems to be emotion-based rather than fact-based. I think it is a lot about how tough the situation is in different countries and that you have to have great respect for. I think in the coming month we will see a number of national federations and Olympic committees settle in to the shoal that it would be best to tune in, says Reinebo and continues:

“Our and IOC's main line is that you have to listen to the experts. Nor has there been any fact-based expert opinion that it would be best to cancel the Olympics.

"Something to look forward to"

At the Norwegian athletes that NRK interviewed, there are shared opinions about whether the Olympics should be carried out or not.

What did you get the feeling from the Swedish athletes you talked to?

- My picture is that most people think that you should try to implement the Olympics. There are those who think that maybe you should set, but I think they are a bit fewer today. Personally, I think it is good to have something to look forward to, whether it is a global emergency now or if the situation is more normal.

- I see no disadvantage in staying focused on implementing the Olympics as long as you have with the other parameter that if there is the least health risk, of course we should not do it. But it's up to experts to decide.

CLIP: Peter Reinebo: "Challenge to win Olympic qualification" (17 March 2020)

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Peter Reinebo: "Challenge to win Olympic qualification"