Teller Report

Coronavirus: the Sanofi laboratory "is actively preparing" for the production of chloroquine

3/21/2020, 11:14:47 PM

The president of Sanofi France, Olivier Bogillot, declared on France 24 that the pharmaceutical laboratory is actively preparing to respond in terms of production of chloroquine, if the efficiency…

"It will take a few days, a few weeks," said Olivier Bogillot, interviewed on Saturday March 21 by France 24, about new clinical trials aimed at studying the efficacy of chloroquine on patients with coronavirus.

The president of Sanofi France also said to "actively prepare to respond in terms of production if the results are confirmed, and give this drug to a maximum number of patients".

350,000 boxes for 350,000 patients

Chloroquine, an anti-malarial drug, could in fact be used to treat individuals infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus. A test conducted on 24 patients in Marseille has indeed given promising results. As a result, the government promised on March 17 to extend clinical trials to a greater number of infected people.

If after these tests, the effectiveness of chloroquine on the coronavirus was indeed confirmed, Olivier Bogillot, also president of the French federation of health industries assures him: "we have in stock 350,000 boxes , which correspond to approximately 350,000 patients ".

Already Tuesday evening, the French laboratory said it was ready to offer the French authorities millions of doses of this drug, marketed under the name of Plaquenil or Nivaquine.

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