Teller Report

Chinese Canadian community donates medical supplies to local hospitals

3/21/2020, 5:35:00 AM

(Fighting new crown pneumonia) Canadian Chinese community donates medical supplies to local hospitals, etc.

China News Agency, Toronto, March 20 (Reporter Yu Ruidong) With the escalation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, medical systems across Canada are facing a shortage of medical supplies and equipment. The Canadian Chinese community has been actively donating medical supplies such as masks and protective clothing to local medical institutions for several days.

Under the coordination and communication of the Chinese Federal Rep. And the provincial legislators, on March 19th, the Toronto Chinese Association of Chinese Groups and the Fuqing Chamber of Commerce in Canada donated a batch of masks, protective clothing and medical gloves, which were urgently purchased, to Toronto North York General Hospital . On the same day, the Wenzhou People's Association of Ontario also donated a number of protective clothing, N95 masks and goggles to the hospital.

Coordinator of the Province of Ontario, who co-ordinated the donation, said the materials donated by the Chinese community will help front-line medical staff to prevent infection and better rescue patients. He said that many other Chinese communities have hoped to donate materials such as nucleic acid rapid kits.

Weng Guoning, chairman of the Toronto Chinese Association, said the group has plans to donate a second batch of medical supplies to local hospitals. The Canadian Fuqing Chamber of Commerce donated a batch of medical supplies to the hospital in Mississauga, Greater Toronto Area on March 20.

In Montreal, the Hubei Chamber of Commerce in Quebec, the Montreal Alumni Association of Nankai University, and the Chinese Professors Association of Quebec donated a number of high-grade medical protective clothing to local hospitals.

The Canadian Chinese Hehe Culture Research Association and the Vancouver Chinese Culture Promotion Association, through Qu Jiebing, a member of the Province of British Columbia (also translated British Columbia), will donate a batch of masks and condolences to the elderly care institutions in Greater Vancouver. In addition, some Chinese charities have recently donated a number of goggles, protective clothing and masks to the Vancouver General Hospital.

Wang Dianqi, president of the Canadian Chinese Hehe Culture Research Association, said that Canada is the hometown of Bethune and the "second hometown" of overseas Chinese in Canada. The local overseas Chinese have the responsibility and obligation to do more things that are meaningful to the country where they live.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in Ottawa on March 20 local time an industry mobilization plan to support companies and manufacturers in the country to quickly increase production scale or adjust production lines to accelerate production and development, including medical personal protection, Products or technologies including disinfection, diagnosis and testing, disease tracking, etc.

The reporter learned that many hospitals or their subordinate foundations across Canada have opened channels to accept donations. (Finish)