Teller Report

Relieve and entertain: in Lille, the improvised reception of caregivers' children - France 24

3/20/2020, 10:09:11 PM

Relieve and entertain: in Lille, the improvised reception of caregivers' children

Lille (AFP)

Relieve the caregivers, entertain the children: in Lille, schools and childcare facilities were urgently requested to welcome the children of medical personnel, mobilized in the midst of a coronavirus crisis.

"We requisitioned almost the entire third floor of the nursing school and opened six rooms that can accommodate 10 children each, for a capacity of 60 children," said AFP Nadine Flahauw, nursery coordinator at Lille CHU who have also been expanded.

Cartoons, painting, board games, help with school homework ... Every day, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., children of CHU staff (doctors, caregivers, administrative staff ...) aged three to nine, are offered a series of activities supervised by medical students or nurses and childcare assistants.

"The goal is to allow parents to be close to the patients, but also for the children to have a good time and to get away from the concerns. Because at their age, they are already aware of the danger of the Coronavirus, "said Ms. Flahauw.

Her five-year-old daughter is "delighted" because "she prefers to be with friends than at home". "In addition to being free, even for lunch, it's very well organized. I take my hat off to them. The staff is very friendly, it reassures the children."

- "Limit the risks" -

But for some unions, this device also has its share of risk.

"This system was put in place as a matter of urgency because everything had to be ready Monday morning (...) But colleagues will gradually try to find alternative childcare arrangements," said Isabelle Bosseman, special education teacher, secretary general CGT.

For her, it is a "sanitary nonsense". "We are told that children are the main vectors of the virus, even if they are asymptomatic. We ask all citizens to keep children in the home, except children in hospital areas. They should be preserved even more than others because it is absolutely necessary to preserve hospital workers, "she said.

"Everything is done to limit the risks," says Ms. Flahauw. "We make sure that the groups are always the same and avoid crossing paths." "Overall, the feedback is very good. Many parents tell us that they could not go to work without this unit."

Apart from the CHU, three Lille schools have been made available by the town hall since Monday to welcome children from 2 to 12 years old, with the idea of ​​ensuring educational continuity.

"We welcome the children of caregivers, doctors, nurses, health staff in hospitals or in private, on presentation of proof. They are welcomed on school hours, from 8:30 to 16:30," said AFP Isabelle Montifret, director of the Briand Buisson Nadaud school group.

"Fifteen volunteer teachers supervise them, who take turns depending on the day. Either the child comes with his personal work from his school of origin, or it is the current teacher who gives work."

According to the direction of the departmental services of national education in the North, approximately 375 children of primary school would be eligible for this device.

© 2020 AFP