Teller Report

Police and gendarmes still struggle to enforce containment

3/20/2020, 6:19:38 PM

As many French people leave their homes despite government-ordered confinement, law enforcement is set to harden the tone

Gendarmes carry out checks near Nantes - JEAN-SEBASTIEN EVRARD / AFP

  • Since Tuesday, the government has ordered the confinement of the French to contain the epidemic of coronavirus.
  • Many French violate the obligation of isolation and do not hesitate to go out on the streets, at the risk of being punished with a fine of 135 euros.
  • The 100,000 police and gendarmes mobilized to enforce confinement are preparing to tighten the screw, even if it means placing the offenders in police custody.

While visiting the Pasteur Institute, Emmanuel Macron got angry. The confinement imposed since Tuesday by the government "is not today perfectly respected". "When I see that people continue to go to the park, to get together, to go to the beach or to rush in the open markets, it is that they did not understand the messages", lamented this Thursday the President of the Republic. However, on the ground, 100,000 police and gendarmes were deployed to enforce the instructions. While some do not seem afraid of the idea of ​​receiving a fine of 135 euros, the authorities have decided to move up a gear. Interior Minister Christophe Castaner assured on Friday that containment measures to "fight" the coronavirus would be implemented "more strictly".

The weekend promises to be sunny, and the gendarmerie has planned to increase checks on the coast. "We encounter two types of behavior," said Colonel Laurent Langelier, commander of the Landes gendarmerie group, at 20 Minutes . “There are locals who understand the necessity of the measures taken. But we have difficulties with those who consider that this period of confinement is an opportunity to go to their second home to take advantage of the beaches and the sun, ”he continues. In the department, around fifty people caught in the act of "bad faith" were fined, adds the officer, who has never seen "as many people get into sport or walk their dog".

Police custody

In Pas-de-Calais, the police therefore went further to enforce confinement. Two persons who had already been fined were thus placed in police custody for "endangering the lives of others by deliberate violation of measures intended to prevent and limit the consequences of health threats to health". An offense punishable by one year in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros. Among these two people, a man arrested in Bruay-la-Buissière while he was consuming alcohol on the public highway, this Thursday around 4 p.m., indicates a police source. Four other people, with whom he was with, fled.

In Seine-Saint-Denis, the police were already instructed not to hesitate to verbalize the offenders. "On the first day, 10% of the reports raised in France were in Seine-Saint-Denis," said Parisian Fabienne Klein-Donati, prosecutor of the Republic of Bobigny. Since Thursday, officials have also been instructed to stop and warn those who have been fined several times. "There is no established number, the reiteration is potentially established from twice," explains a judicial source. At least seven people have already been placed in police custody in the department. Two of them were released after receiving a legal reminder.

Avoid controls in "sensitive neighborhoods"

In the Hauts-de-Seine, the police are worried about a situation which becomes explosive in places. In Nanterre, the police even received an e-mail asking them to avoid checks in "sensitive neighborhoods like Pablo Picasso, Petit Nanterre, Zilina or Vieux Pont". "We were asked to avoid incidents with young people, to avoid affronts," said a source close to the file at 20 Minutes . "We are realizing that the instruction will be difficult to apply in certain neighborhoods," adds this bitter source. “There is also a lot of underground trade, like narcotics. Since there is much less money to be made at the moment, this is likely to growl. "

The capital is not spared bad behavior either. "The Bois de Boulogne or the Champs de Mars were still black with people yesterday," storms a policeman. The mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and the prefect of police Didier Lallement therefore announced this Friday the prohibition of any movement and gathering on the ways on banks, the lawns of the Esplanade des Invalides and the Champ-de-Mars. Finally, the Prefecture of Police said in a statement that the controls in Parisian stations were going to be reinforced "from Friday evening and during the weekend". Departures on vacation or weekends "are not part of the cases covered by the certificate" of derogatory travel.


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  • Society
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Police
  • Gendarmerie