Teller Report

New York State urges non-critical industries to stop centralized office from 22nd

3/20/2020, 10:09:00 PM

(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) New York State Requires Non-Key Industries to Stop Centralized Offices from 22

China News Agency, New York, March 20th. Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, signed an order on the 20th, requiring all non-critical industry companies in the state to stop working in the office on the 22nd and no employees must commute.

To prevent the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, New York State launched the "Policies that Assure Uniformed Safety for Everyone" that day. The policy is abbreviated as PAUSE (pause), and some media have said that New York State will enter a "pause" state.

According to an order signed by Como that day, grocery stores, restaurants, clinics, pharmacies, gas stations, banks, hardware stores, auto repairs, cleaning, construction and several other manufacturing industries are key industries and can continue to work. Other industries can require employees to work from home, but employees are prohibited from working intensively or commuting. Violating companies will be fined and forced to close.

In addition, high-risk groups such as the elderly over 70 years old, people with impaired immune systems, and people with underlying diseases have strict rules for their actions, including wearing masks when co-existing with others, and not sharing the same room with multiple people. Healthy people under the age of 70 should minimize the number of times they buy food, daily necessities, and medicines; they can go for walks or exercise while keeping a distance of more than six feet (about 1.83 meters) from others. Unless necessary, it is strictly forbidden to gather people of any size and for any reason. The public transport system remains operational, but residents should not take public transport unless absolutely necessary.

Como said that all of these rules will be enforced, but individuals who violate the rules will not be fined.

New York State confirmed 7,102 new crown virus infections on the day, of which 4,408 were in New York City and 1,091 in Westchester County. Como said that about 10,000 tests were completed the day before in New York State, so the number of confirmed diagnoses has increased significantly. At present, more than 32,000 people have been tested across the state, and about 1,250 people are hospitalized. The hospitalization rate is about 18%.

The New York Times reported that New York Mayor Bai Sihao had previously stated that the necessary medical supplies of New York City hospitals could only be maintained for 2 to 3 weeks, and masks, gloves, ventilator and other equipment were urgently needed. He criticized the federal government for failing to provide critical supplies where needed. Bai Sihao also said that the city government is considering transforming the Javits Convention Center and large hotels into temporary medical facilities.

According to the "New York Times" statistics, as of the afternoon of the 20th, more than 15,600 cases of New Crown virus infection in the United States, at least 202 deaths. More than 45% of all diagnoses nationwide are in New York State. (Finish)

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