Teller Report

Gao Weidong was elected chairman of Guizhou Moutai Wine Co., Ltd.

3/20/2020, 6:04:25 PM

China News Agency, Guiyang, March 20 (Yuan Chao) Guizhou Moutai Liquor Co., Ltd. on the 20th 2020 first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders elected Gao Weidong as the company's second board of directors, at a subsequent board meeting, elected Gao Weidong as Chairman of the second board of directors of the company.

On March 6, the official website of the People's Government of Guizhou Province announced that Gao Weidong was recommended as the director and chairman of China's Guizhou Maotai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd., and the candidate of director and chairman of Guizhou Maotai Liquor Co., Ltd. It is suggested that Li Baofang no longer serve as the chairman and director of China's Guizhou Moutai Winery (Group) Co., Ltd., and the chairman and director of Guizhou Moutai Wine Co., Ltd. At the second plenary session of the sixteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Thirteenth People's Congress of Guizhou Province, Li Baofang, former Party Secretary and former Chairman of Maotai Group, was appointed as the environment and Deputy Chairman of the Resource Protection Committee.

Gao Weidong, male, Han nationality, born in Dengzhou, Henan, was born in November 1972. Joined work in 1993, graduate degree, master of project management. He is currently the Party Committee Secretary and Chairman of the Guizhou Maotai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd .; member of the 12th Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.

Gao Weidong has successively served as the secretary and chairman of the party committee of Guiyang Jinyang New District Development and Construction Co., Ltd., deputy director (concurrent) of the management committee of Guiyang Jinyang New District, and the party secretary and chairman of Guiyang Jinyang Construction Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. , Director of Guiyang Municipal Transportation Bureau, Deputy Mayor of Guiyang, Deputy Director (Concurrently) of Guizhou Gui'an New District Management Committee, Deputy Secretary of Guizhou Shuanglong Linkong Economic Zone Party Working Committee (in charge of standing work), Director of Management Committee (legal representative ), Director of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Transportation and Party Secretary. (Finish)

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