Teller Report

Fear in bank branches before the next flood of retirees for the collection of the pension

3/20/2020, 8:13:30 PM

The bank has begun to take measures to manage in the best possible way the visit in the next days to the branches of millions of pensioners in search of the collection of their

The bank has begun to take measures to manage in the best possible way the visit in the coming days to the branches of millions of pensioners in search of the collection of their benefits.

CaixaBank, for example, has announced this Friday that it has advanced the collection of the public pension from its clients and will allow their reimbursement through a prior summons system. The objective is to avoid queues and reduce the risk of contagion among a population more sensitive to the impact of the coronavirus and its own staff that works in the offices.

The measure is unheard of in the Spanish financial system and will benefit a total of 1.8 million bank clients . The advance supposes the entrance of the pension with five days of advance with respect to the date of habitual collection.

"In the event that the client wishes to go to the office to make the refund, an appointment will be arranged with the aim of reducing their stay away from home as much as possible and avoiding crowds," explains the Catalan entity in a release.

BBVA will also take measures to avoid customer concentrations in its branches. In this case, the bank will allow users who decide to withdraw their pension in cash to do so at the ATM closest to their home, even if it is from the competition.

The entity undertakes not to pass on the commission for this service to those customers who go to the neighboring ATM between March 25 and April 5.

"For BBVA, the most important thing is to safeguard the health of its customers and remember that remote channels are available to buy or make payments, so it is not necessary to leave their homes except in cases of extreme need," explains the bank in a note distributed this Friday.

Financial institutions have reduced the activity of their branch networks as much as possible to combine teleworking of their staff with the Government's obligation that they remain open.

Among the measures taken, the reduction of hours of attention to the public or the closing of those offices close to each other stand out, in order to concentrate its employees in the least number of locations possible.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pensions
  • economy
  • Tax crimes
  • Crisis
  • society
  • Health
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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