Teller Report

Faced with the coronavirus, "we have the impression of being soldiers"

3/20/2020, 6:02:22 PM

Lack of equipment, caregivers try not to sink and keep their strength to fight a health crisis that is just beginning

Coronavirus: Working conditions, hospital reorganizations, ... Nurses testify - 20 Minutes

  • A nurse in a hospital in Occitania, Jules was not spared from the wave of patients who flocked to health establishments.
  • In constant contact with the patients, the caregivers juggle between their personal life and the daily life of the hospital.
  • "We are also treated like plague victims," ​​says Marie, a nurse in a healthcare establishment in Auvergne.

At the end of the roll, Jules * accuses the blow. A nurse in a hospital in Occitania, he was not spared the wave of patients who have flocked to health establishments in recent weeks. “It kind of feels like soldiers in wartime. Except that we are not prepared, ”he breathes.

In lack of equipment, including FFP2 and surgical masks, to deal with the coronavirus pandemic which is raging in France, the caregivers are on the front line. In constant contact with patients, they juggle their personal lives with the daily life of the hospital, which has been shaken up since late January.

"We are also treated like plague victims"

"In my establishment, the officials tried to empty certain services to leave as many places as possible for the intensive care unit," says Marie, a nurse in a hospital in Auvergne. Where Jules works, a containment service has even been created "to prevent patients suffering from coronavirus from being mixed with others," he said.

If many people show them almost limitless gratitude, by applauding, every evening at 8 p.m., at their window, health professionals working in hospitals also suffer from the distrust of their neighbors and neighbors: “We are also treated like plagued, assures Marie *. There are even some who tell us that we shouldn't complain because in three months, we will be on vacation… ”.

Pending the end of confinement which promises to be longer than expected, patients are still flocking to hospitals. To date, 10,995 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed, including 1,122 deemed serious with placement in intensive care, and 372 people have died in France.

(*) To respect their anonymity, the first names of the two caregivers have been changed.


VIDEO.Coronavirus: Called to "make sacrifices", caregivers fear "not to stand on distance"

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  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Hospital
  • Health
  • Society
  • Nurse