Teller Report

Eurovision Song Contest 2021 will perform at the competition with a new song

3/20/2020, 10:20:23 PM

Eurovision-2021 participants will have to submit new songs at the competition, despite the cancellation of the song show this year due to the spread of the coronavirus infection COVID-19. This was announced by the organizers.

“It was decided that in accordance with the rules of the international Eurovision song contest, this year's songs are not eligible to be presented in the competition in 2021,” it was informed.

At the same time, each country will be able to decide for itself whether the artist announced for 2020 will be sent to the competition, or whether a new selection will be held.

“Broadcasters can decide which artist or artists to send to the competition in 2021: either a representative of this year or a new one,” the organizers added.

On March 18, it became known that Eurovision 2020 was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Composer and producer Viktor Drobysh, in an interview with the Moscow 24 website, called the cancellation of the competition expected.