Teller Report

Coronavirus: from baker to courier, these companies that offer help to caregivers

3/20/2020, 3:46:16 PM

With the coronavirus epidemic spreading at full speed in France, many companies are using the exceptional measures put in place by the government to slow down or stop their activity. Others, on the contrary, adapt and mobilize to help the nursing staff.

With the coronavirus epidemic spreading at full speed in France, many companies are using the exceptional measures put in place by the government to slow down or stop their activity. Others, on the contrary, adapt and mobilize to help the nursing staff.


Partial unemployment, telework, financial aid, deferral of tax payments ... The daily life of businesses is at the very least upset in the face of the coronavirus epidemic. And some of them have chosen to adapt their activity to help caregivers, even if they have to move away from their sector of activity by far! In La France Bouge, on Europe 1, Raphaëlle Duchemin and his teams give us a little overview of these solidarity initiatives.

>> LIVE - Follow the evolution of the coronavirus epidemic Friday, March 20

In Rouen, free breakfast for the emergency services thanks to a bakery

"We offer free breakfast, and with a smile!" Valérie Bignaut, saleswoman of La Boulangerie de la République in Rouen, explained to the microphone of Europe 1 how this bakery is participating in the collective effort to confront the epidemic of coronavirus. "Since Tuesday morning," she relates, "we have been offering breakfast to caregivers, nurses, doctors, nursing assistants, firefighters, paramedics ... in short, all help." The initiative has already attracted dozens of people, delighted to benefit from this aid before embarking on particularly busy days.

Near Toulouse, 200m2 of premises are made available "for a makeshift hospital"

Christophe Baeza, manufacturer of the first French bikes that recharge at deceleration, for its part decided to suspend its activity of assembling bikes, "which means that there are premises available". The ThirtyOne workshop, located a hundred kilometers south of Toulouse, in Villeneuve-de-Rivière, covers 500m2. "We are going to put the machines aside so we estimate that 200m2 of space is available for putting beds or any other device," explains Christophe. "We are ready to welcome a makeshift hospital if necessary!".

>> Watch all of Raphaëlle Duchemin's programs in replay and podcast here

Ecological couriers to transport blood and health material

Since 2002, Lungta has offered its ecological courier services with a fleet of electric vehicles. In these times of crisis, Sabah Bianchi, the founder, refuses to lay off her staff. Because "the employees are available and volunteers to serve as relays, for emergencies, for the transport of blood and masks for example". The benefit is twofold. First, it provides obvious help to health workers. Second, "it also helps us," says Sabah, "because it allows us to keep some hope in a situation where we are all emotionally very affected." "Our means are humble but we can still provide support," she concludes.

A childcare service entirely dedicated to hospital staff

Normally, Ma Bonne Fée offers childcare services to employees, whoever they may be. But with the current crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, the company has decided to dedicate itself entirely to hospital staff. "We have a wonderful network and team of childcare professionals ready to commit to caregivers," says Delphine Cochet, co-founder of Ma Bonne Fée. If the caregivers do not have a place in a crèche, home daycare or open school to welcome their children, "we can help them and send help at home".

>> LISTEN - Find the whole of France on Friday March 20

Real estate investors offer their housing free of charge to caregivers

Joël Benhamou manages the Cité Etudiante Internationale de Saint-Etienne and a Facebook group of 20,000 real estate investors. "Since the crisis, many real estate investors, who rent on a seasonal basis, can no longer rent and they have empty dwellings," he said. "At the same time, we know that healthcare staff need to find accommodation, if possible not with their families so as not to contaminate it." It was enough for him to come up with the idea of ​​offering these empty accommodations to caregivers. Today, nearly 200 homeowners have played the game, making their accommodation available free of charge.

>> To find other solidarity initiatives, listen to the whole of La France Bouge here:

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