Teller Report

The Treasury maintains the income campaign because it will inject money into taxpayers: "70% go out to return"

3/19/2020, 1:11:03 PM

The Tax Agency has decided that, despite the complex situation unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic, it will keep the dates of the income campaign because it will allow in

The Tax Agency has decided that, despite the complex situation unleashed by the coronavirus pandemic, it will keep the dates of the income campaign because it will allow taxpayers to inject money .

"It has been considered especially important in the current circumstances to keep the campaign on schedule so that taxpayers can receive their returns as soon as possible ," they explain from the Ministry of Finance, while recalling that " about 70% of the statements come out. to return , and that those that go out to enter only begin to pay at the end of the campaign. "

The department led by María Jesús Montero also stresses that almost nine out of 10 statements are made through the internet, that is, that in these cases there is no type of physical displacement to the offices of the Tax Agency. For all these reasons, adds the Treasury, the dates of the campaign are maintained. "Beginning April 1, on the 3rd, taxpayers will begin receiving their returns," they add.

"Lack of empathy"

After knowing that the Treasury will keep the dates, various tax associations and professional associations have transmitted their concern to Montero, and have asked him to postpone the tax returns for at least three months, until the situation of the state of alarm is "normalized", Europa Press reports.

In a statement, these associations, among which are the Spanish Association of Tax Advisers (Aedaf) or the Professional Association of Accounting and Tax Experts of Spain (AECE) criticize that the Government, despite the state of alarm, has not postponed the filing of tax returns and self-assessments, which denotes a "lack of empathy" with the business fabric and with social professionals-collaborators .

"In these conditions it is impossible to carry out the declarations and self-assessments on time, so we ask you to promote an extension of time limits of at least three months, in which we hope that the situation will begin to normalize," they affirm.

And that is what the president of Foment del Treball, Josep Sánchez Llibre, has also requested , who this Thursday sent a letter to the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez . "In this situation, temporarily and exceptionally, the measure should be adopted to postpone for three months the presentation (or at least the entry) of tax declarations and self-assessments," says Sánchez Llibre.

Faes criticizes the lack of measures

On the other hand, the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (Faes) has today published analysis Tax measures against the crisis: ineffective and totally insufficient . The text criticizes the Government's action in this area and notes that " the Executive's resistance to adopt the tax measures that the situation demands is striking ."

"The only effective measure in this matter" is "the postponement of the tax debts of SMEs, whose term of declaration and income ends between March 13 and May 30, with a joint limit of 30,000 euros per taxpayer", highlights the analysis.

"Although this postponement supposes a short-term relief in the treasury of some companies to which the economic blockade deprives them of income, it is clearly insufficient in its temporary duration , and it seems little presentable in this context that, in the last three months of postponement , forced by the situation, the payment of default interest is demanded ", exposes the document signed by Santiago Álvarez García, professor of Public Finance at the University of Oviedo.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Taxes
  • Personal income tax
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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