Teller Report

The number of infected COVID-19 in Turkey reached 359

3/19/2020, 11:31:40 PM

The number of people infected with COVID-19 coronavirus infection in Turkey reached 359. This was announced by Turkish Minister of Health Fahrettin Koja.

“From the 1981 test in the last 24 hours, 168 were positive. The number of patients has reached 359. Unfortunately, we lost an 85-year-old woman, the total number of deaths reached four, ”he wrote on Twitter.

Son 24 saatte yapılan 1.981 TESTTEN 168'İ POZİTİF ÇIKTI. 191 olan hasta sayımız 359'a ulaştı. Hastalarımızdan 85 yaşındaki bir hanımefendiyi kaybettik. Daha önce vefat eden bir hasta COVID-19 olarak değerlendirildi. Toplam kaybımız maalesef 4 oldu. Acımız arttı ama başaracağız.

- Dr. Fahrettin Koca (@drfahrettinkoca) March 19, 2020

Earlier it was reported that Turkey recorded the first death from the consequences of infection with COVID-19.

Yury Barzykin, vice-president of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, in an interview with Vzglyad, estimated the losses of the industry in the event Turkey is quarantined.

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