Teller Report

The closure of 4 cafes violated the instructions to prevent hookahs in Fujairah

3/19/2020, 10:10:03 PM

The two municipalities of Fujairah and Dibba Al-Fujairah closed four cafes that violated the instructions for preventing the provision of hookahs. It proved that they did not adhere to the preventive decisions represented in preventing the provision of hookah of all kinds in all hotel and tourist establishments, hookah cafes and licensed restaurants in the city of Dibba and the areas affiliated with it.

The two municipalities of Fujairah and Dibba Al-Fujairah closed four cafes that violated the instructions to prevent the provision of hookahs, which proved not to be in compliance with the preventive decisions represented in preventing the provision of hookah of all kinds in all hotel and tourist establishments, hookah cafes and licensed restaurants in the city of Dibba and its regions.

The director of the Dibba Al-Fujairah Municipality, Eng. Hassan Salem Al-Yamahi, explained that the Fujairah Municipality and the Municipality of Dibba Al-Fujairah closed four cafes, which did not comply with the decisions to prevent the supply of hookahs, stressing that the cafes owners must adhere to the instructions and decisions issued by the government.

He pointed out that all cafes must respond to this decision and not tolerate it, as the municipality will liberate a violation of any facility that does not adhere to the issued procedures, stressing the importance of full cooperation and solidarity from all to achieve the desired goals of the measures that were put in place to protect workers in these facilities, and society in general.

The municipality appeals to the consumer public to report any violations that are monitored in any establishments from non-compliance by contacting the emergency office (092443399), which works around the clock.

In a previous decision, the Municipality of Dibba Al-Fujairah closed the public beaches and entertainment places in the city due to the requirements of the public interest, and within the framework of the precautionary measures aimed at achieving the highest levels of health and safety for the members of society, it was decided to close public beaches, entertainment places, wedding halls, amusement parks, recreational and electronic games, and bodybuilding halls, And fitness clubs licensed in the city of Dibba and its regions, and calls upon the municipality with the owners of the mentioned activities to stop providing its services to the public immediately until further notice.

The municipality decided to close the night clubs and massage centers, and not to set up wedding parties in hotel establishments in the city, and calls upon the owners of hotel and tourist establishments to stop providing these mentioned services until further notice.

- The Municipality of Dibba Al-Fujairah closed the public beaches and entertainment venues in the city due to the requirements of the public interest.