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Italy surpasses China as the country with the most deaths from coronavirus: 3,405 deaths

3/19/2020, 9:10:23 PM

"At the moment it is not reasonable to say more, but it is clear that the measures we have adopted, such as the closure of many commercial and individual activities in the country, as well as the

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"At the moment it is not reasonable to say more, but it is clear that the measures we have adopted, such as the closure of many commercial and individual activities in the country, as well as those that affect the school, will have no choice but to extend them." This was announced on Thursday by Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, before the country today overtook China in the number of deaths from coronavirus. "We have avoided the collapse of the system, the restrictive measures are working. It is evident that when we reach a peak and the contagions begin to decrease, at least in percentage, we will not be able to immediately return to the life of before, " said the 'premier'. in an interview with 'Il Corriere della Sera'.

In the European country most affected by the coronavirus, the dead have risen to 3,405 -427 more this Thursday than on Wednesday, when the disease claimed the lives of 475 people, its highest number in a single day, making Italy it becomes the first in the world in the number of fatalities, ahead of China (3,245).

The confinement measures under which the Italians have already been a week will be "prolonged when they come to an end" on April 3, without Conte giving a new date yesterday, but also, the Government is considering tightening the already existing restrictions . Initially, Rome decreed the closure of all non-essential goods stores until March 25, established movement and social restrictions, and ordered classes to be suspended until April 3. However, the authorities acknowledge that citizens are not complying, and there are numerous unwarranted exits that the police detect.

To finish raising awareness of those who are not staying at home these days, the Government has come to the threat. If citizens continue to take to the streets "without just cause," outdoor sports will be banned and new restrictions will be imposed , Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora said . Unlike Spain, the transalpine country still allows some freedoms such as going out for a run as long as it is done alone, at least a meter away with other people and that, once practicing the sport, you return to your home.

The veto on 'running' - an activity that according to the police the Italians are taking advantage of to be away from home longer than allowed and see other people - could be added other measures such as the reduction of the opening hours of supermarkets and food stores , limit rail traffic and increase surveillance controls.

"You have to use common sense and act with the utmost conscience, the sanctions are there and they will be applied severely. I agree with the mayors who have decided to close the parks. It is one thing to play sports and another to turn public places into meeting points , which is inadmissible. At the moment there are no other far-reaching restrictive measures, but if the prohibitions are not respected we will have to act, "Conte warned citizens.

The 'premier' made these statements at the end of a meeting with his cabinet of ministers in which some of them intervened by videoconference, while those who were present, including himself, wore gloves and masks.

But the most striking image of the day came from Lombardy, where the data is dramatic. A long column of military trucks passed through the center of Bergamo, in the north of the country, on Wednesday night, transporting dozens of coffins of victims for cremation in other municipalities. The city's cremation furnace, which has been operating 24 hours a day for a week, cannot cope with the emergency, Efe reported. The number of infections registered today throughout the country was 33,190. The Lombardy region registers 2,168 deaths and almost 20,000 positives.

Despite the data, Conte was "satisfied" with the measures taken by his government in the fight against the pandemic: "They are inspired by four principles: transparency, because we do not hide anything from citizens; maximum rigor, because we have not underestimated Nothing and we have taken the worst-case scenarios as indicators; adequacy of the measures; and proportionality, without which Italians, accustomed to deep-seated civil liberties, would not have resisted, since we do not live in a centralized state like China. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Italy
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