Teller Report

Italy, cumulative deaths go beyond China… Total 3,405 people

3/19/2020, 9:34:47 PM

Europe In Italy, there have been more than 3,400 deaths due to Corona19. The number of deaths exceeded China. In Madrid, the capital city of Spain, more and more confirmed patients have turned luxury hotels into temporary hospitals to treat patients.


Europe In Italy, there have been more than 3,400 deaths due to Corona19. The number of deaths exceeded China. In Madrid, the capital city of Spain, more and more confirmed patients have turned luxury hotels into temporary hospitals to treat patients.

Reporter Lee Seong-hoon.


Italy's cumulative number of Corona19 deaths has surpassed the epicenter of China.

So far, 3,405 people have died, more than 3,245 cumulative deaths in China.

As the number of additional confirmed persons per day exceeded 5,000, the cumulative number of confirmed persons was 41,000.

The local health care system has virtually collapsed as the number of patients pouring out is unbearable.

[Romano Paolucci / Italian Physician: Medical staff is in short supply, and now they are even infected.]

In Spain, with the largest cumulative deficit in Europe, after Italy, luxury hotels have turned into temporary hospitals.

This was taken as the hospital became saturated and the hotel rooms were empty. Up to 9,000 beds will be added.

The city of Madrid says the move will help reduce the burden on the largest hospital in Madrid.

In Russia, the number of cases of incidence or transmission of family members has increased significantly after returning to Europe.

According to local media, 52 new confirmers came out of 23 regions nationwide over the past day, with a cumulative number of confirmed confirmers at 199.

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