Teller Report

Iranian citizens arrive chartered… "Safe for systematic inspection"

3/19/2020, 11:04:29 PM

About 80 Koreans and their families returned to the chartered government yesterday in Iran, where the spread of corona19 was the most prominent among Middle Eastern countries. They are waiting for the results of the Corona19 test at the containment facility.


In Iran, where the spread of corona19 was the most prominent among the Middle Eastern countries, about 80 Koreans and their families returned to the government chartered yesterday (19th). They are waiting for the results of the Corona19 test at the containment facility.

Reporter Hye-young Kim on the sidewalk.


A government charter carrying Iranian citizens arrived at Incheon International Airport yesterday.

It was a long flight from Tehran, Iran to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, back to Incheon, and took a full day to wait.

A total of 80 people, including 74 residents and six family members from Iran, came.

[Kim Tae-Hyeon / Iran Gyomin: I think it's a lot more calm here now, so I have faith in the government and now I can safely return to Korea.]

[Elahe / Kyomin Tae-hyun, Mrs. Kim (Iranian nationality): I am very glad to be able to come to Korea, and I am grateful.]

During the examination, two of the residents who had suspected corona19 symptoms were taken to a quarantine facility near the airport, and the other 78 were taken to the Seongnam Koica training facility by bus.

The citizens worried about not being able to get treatment in Iran, and the government responds closely to the prosecutor's inspection, and I feel like returning home.

[Song Ju-hye / 'Return to the Chartered' Iranians: (Quarantine officers) I thought that it was more reassuring than Iran to systematically check the health checks one by one.

The results of the Corona 19 test last night are coming out this morning or around lunch, and Eumseong residents will be quarantined for two weeks.