Teller Report

In Toulouse, 60 municipal police officers had to return home

3/19/2020, 6:52:40 PM

After a first wave of 30 Wednesday, 30 other municipal police officers from Toulouse had to return home this Thursday due to suspected coronavirus in their unit

The municipal police, in Toulouse. (Illustration) - A. GELEBART / 20 MINUTES

The specter of coronovirus melts the strength of the Toulouse municipal police like snow in the sun. This Thursday, 30 officers, two whole units, were asked as a precaution to return home due to two suspected Covid-19 for which the test results are not known. On Wednesday, two other units had already stopped service, this time after the detection in the ranks of a proven case.

So there are 60 agents in all, out of a workforce of 330, who find themselves in the fortnight. Finally, maybe not in the fortnight. Because the Capitol states that it has asked for clarification "to the prefectural and health authorities so that the instructions concerning the vital missions are specified".

Our file on the coronavirus

The town hall therefore wonders whether the fortnight also applies to agents whose mission is essential and who do not present symptoms for the time being, "knowing that they no longer verbalize and respect the courtesy distance during their patrols " Suspense therefore over the truly operational workforce in the coming days.

While a trade unionist was worried on the antenna of France Bleu Occitanie of the absence of mask for the municipal police officers, the Capitol reminds that they "are only compulsory for sick people and nursing staff".


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Coronavirus in Toulouse: Thirty municipal police officers confined after the discovery of a positive case

  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Society
  • Toulouse
  • Police