Teller Report

How much is the vernal equinox custom? Popular "Vertical Egg" Game Proofreading Weighing Apparatus

3/19/2020, 4:19:58 PM

Chinanews client Beijing March 20 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) "It is time to plant the tree on the vernal equinox." The spring equinox is one of the twenty-four solar terms. At this time, day and night are evenly divided. As the temperature gradually rises, many places Long warbler flies, spring is in harmony.

During the spring equinox, folks have customs such as "vertical eggs" and sending spring cow pictures, and the curtain of farming has further opened. Agricultural time is as expensive as gold, and when the farm is busy, the seasons are seizing the seasons, and spring farming, spring management, and preparation for farming are carried out scientifically, and all work is carried out in an orderly manner.

As the saying goes, “One person makes a mistake, one person makes a mistake.” While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, people work hard to ensure a good summer crop.

Origin of the vernal equinox

In the twenty-four solar terms, the spring equinox is the one established earlier. Generally speaking, it usually refers to the date when the sun is really located at 0 °, which is March 20 or March 21 of each year.

Data Map: At the spring equinox of the twenty-four solar terms in China, the cultivation and cultivating activities of the "Ran Branch" in Anren County, Hunan Province were held in the paddy field park of Anren County. Photo by China News Agency reporter Tang Zhizhuo

In the Western Han Dynasty, Dong Zhongshu mentioned in the Spring and Autumn Fanluo · Yin and Yang in and out: "The vernal equinox also has half of the yin and yang, so the day and night are equally cold and summer." That is, the day of the spring equinox is equal in length, and then the direct sunlight gradually moves north , Gradually day long night short.

It is an old seasonal custom to hold a grand ceremony in a specific position according to the time when the solar terms are coming. In ancient times, the festival was usually held during the spring equinox.

"Book of Rites" records: "The sacrifice of the sun is on the altar." According to Kong Yingda's commentary, "the vernal equinox also." Since the Zhou Dynasty, this custom has been followed for generations. Most of the places for the sacrifices of ancient emperors were located in the suburbs of Beijing.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Beijing Ritan became the place where the emperor worshipped the Great God (Sun) on the vernal equinox. The Emperor sacrifices himself every year of Jia, Cing, Wu, Geng, and Ren, and the rest is sacrificed by officials.

Although the sacrifice day is not comparable to the sacrifice to heaven and earth, the ceremony is also grand. In the "Emperor Jing Ji Sheng" of the Qing Dynasty, Pan Rongji mentioned: "The Spring Equinox Festival and the Autumn Equinox Festival are the national ceremony, and scholars must not sacrifice."

The mystery of the vernal equinox "vertical egg"

During the spring equinox, there is a game that is very well-known, that is, "vertical eggs." The method of the game is simple and interesting: take a fresh egg, and try to put it upright on the table lightly, try more, and there are many successful ones.

Data Map: The picture shows the children are hand-painted Easter eggs. Photo by Mondron

According to the theory of the above game, there is a saying that the equinox, day and night are equal in length, the earth's earth axis inclined at 66.5 degrees and the orbital plane of the earth's orbit around the sun are in a relative balance of forces, which is conducive to vertical eggs; in addition, the surface of the eggs In fact, the level is uneven, there are many "hills" protruding, find the balance point, the eggs can stand up.

In the past, there was a picture of spring bulls from spring to spring on the spring equinox: it printed the red paper or yellow paper on the Chinese calendar for the year, and printed the farmer's plot of farmland, calling it "spring bull".

Most of the picture senders are folk vocalists who mainly say something about spring ploughing and auspiciousness that are not against farming time. Every time they go to a family, they are immortalized, improvised, and the owner is happy to give money. This move is commonly known as "speaking spring", and people in spring are called "spring officials."

In addition, the vernal equinox has many customs. Folklore expert Xiao Fang told reporters that the significance of the spring equinox custom is mainly divided equally between day and night, and the ancients will also proofread weighing and measuring instruments on this day to achieve fairness.

Vernal equinox rises, fat water must follow

In fact, there were many other names for the spring equinox in ancient times, such as "day in the middle", "day and night", "the moon in the middle of spring", and so on. It is not only a relatively important time node, but also of great significance to agricultural production.

According to the "History of the Ming Dynasty", "The point where the yellow and the red meet, the sun is so far, and it is divided equally between day and night. Due to the close relationship with agricultural activities, the folk also left" Spring Equinox, No Rain, "" Spring Equinox " "Rain is a good year."

"February was shocked and the vernal equinox was planted, and fertilization was deep." The vernal equinox is also a good time to plant trees and forests. In ancient poems, there are sentences such as "the midnight meal of cows and the growing of trees in the Ming Dynasty".

Data map: The picture shows the villagers in Zhongnan Village, Lingchuan County, Guangxi, starting planting. Photo by Yang Zongsheng

As the saying goes: "The spring equinox rises, and the fat and water must follow closely." At this time, the busy season of spring ploughing and spring planting is about to begin. After the spring equinox, overwintering crops have entered the growth stage, and field management should be strengthened.

At present, during the new crown pneumonia epidemic, all regions are strictly preventing and controlling while seizing the season, and scientifically carry out spring ploughing, spring management and preparation for ploughing to ensure that the agricultural time is not missed.

For example, according to media reports, Jiangxi focuses on promoting mobile soil testing and formula fertilization online services in 42 counties. Farmers can make a customized fertilizing formula by searching through a mobile phone mini program at home, and then follow the prescription to "medicine".

In addition, to overcome the adverse effects brought about by the epidemic situation, Anhui promoted technical services such as "not seeing" smart spring cultivation, and formulated regional operation plans.

There are many more such examples. While fighting the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, people went into the field and became busy, stepping up spring production. (Finish)

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